cv.ORB/WTA_K - MATLAB File Help |
The number of points that produce each element of the oriented BRIEF descriptor.
The default value 2 means the BRIEF where we take a random point
pair and compare their brightnesses, so we get 0/1 response. Other
possible values are 3 and 4. For example, 3 means that we take 3
random points (of course, those point coordinates are random, but
they are generated from the pre-defined seed, so each element of
BRIEF descriptor is computed deterministically from the pixel
rectangle), find point of maximum brightness and output index of the
winner (0, 1 or 2). Such output will occupy 2 bits, and therefore it
will need a special variant of Hamming distance, denoted as
(2 bits per bin). When WTA_K=4
, we take 4 random points
to compute each bin (that will also occupy 2 bits with possible
values 0, 1, 2 or 3). default 2
Constant | false |
Dependent | true |
Sealed | false |
Transient | false |
GetAccess | public |
SetAccess | public |
GetObservable | false |
SetObservable | false |