backSubst (cv.SVD) - MATLAB File Help

Performs a singular value back substitution

dst = svd.backSubst(src)



The method calculates a back substitution for the specified right-hand side.

x = vt^T * diag(w)^-1 * u^T * src
  ~ A^-1* src

Using this technique you can either get a very accurate solution of the convenient linear system, or the best (in the least-squares terms) pseudo-solution of an overdetermined linear system.


Explicit SVD with the further back substitution only makes sense if you need to solve many linear systems with the same left-hand side (for example, src). If all you need is to solve a single system (possibly with multiple rhs immediately available), simply call solve add pass 'SVD' there. It does absolutely the same thing.

See also
Method Details
Access public
Sealed false
Static false