DNN Face Detection and Recognition

This tutorial will show us how to run deep learning models, with face detection and face recognition models pipeline.



Face detection

Face detection network gets BGR image as input and produces set of bounding boxes that might contain faces. All that we need is just select the boxes with a strong confidence.

Face detector is based on SSD framework (Single Shot MultiBox Detector), using a reduced ResNet-10 model.

Face recognition

Network is called OpenFace. Face recognition model receives RGB face image of size 96x96. Then it returns 128-dimensional unit vector that represents input face as a point on the unit multidimensional sphere. So difference between two faces is an angle between two output vectors.


Start the demo, then press "Add a person" to name a person that is recognized as an unknown one.

import deep learning models

[netDet, blobDetOpts] = ResNetSSD_FaceDetector();
[netRec, blobRecOpts] = OpenFace_Embedding();
assert(~netDet.empty() && ~netRec.empty());


confThreshold = 0.5;  % minimum confidence for face detection
scoreThreshold = 0.5; % minimum score for face recognition

prepare video input

cap = createVideoCapture([], 'lena');
assert(cap.isOpened(), 'Could not initialize capturing');
frame = cap.read();
assert(~isempty(frame), 'Could not read frame');

prepare figure

hThumb = [];
hImg = imshow(frame);
hFig = ancestor(hImg, 'figure');
setappdata(hFig, 'flag',false);
hBtn = uicontrol('Parent',hFig, 'Style','pushbutton', ...
    'Position',[20 20 100 20], 'String','Add a person', ...
    'Callback',@(~,~) setappdata(hFig, 'flag',true));

dataset of extracted faces and corresponding names

vecs = zeros(128,0,'single');        % feature vectors
names = cell(1,0);
faces = zeros([96 96 3 0], 'uint8'); % only needed for visualization

main loop that receives a frames from a camera and makes a recognition of every detected face on the frame

while ishghandle(hImg)
    % read frame
    frame = cap.read();
    if isempty(frame), break; end
    out = frame;

    % detect faces
    rects = detectFaces(frame, netDet, blobDetOpts, confThreshold);
    for i=1:size(rects,1)
        % preprocess face
        rect = rects(i,:);
        face = alignFace(cv.Rect.crop(frame, rect));

        % recognize face
        vec = face2vec(face, netRec, blobRecOpts);
        [name, score] = recognizeFace(vec, vecs, names, scoreThreshold);

        % show detection and prediction
        out = insertAnnotation(out, rect, sprintf('%s (%.2f)', name, score), ...
            'Color',name2clr(name, names), 'TextColor',[255 255 255], ...
            'Thickness',2, 'FontScale',0.9);

    % update plot
    set(hImg, 'CData',out);

    % check if add-a-person button is pressed
    flag = ishghandle(hFig) && getappdata(hFig, 'flag');
    if flag && ~isempty(rects)
        setappdata(hFig, 'flag',false);

        % prompt for name
        name = inputdlg('Enter person name:');
        name = strtrim(name{1});

        % face representation as feature vector
        rect = rects(1,:);
        face = alignFace(cv.Rect.crop(frame, rect));
        vec = face2vec(face, netRec, blobRecOpts);

        % store
        vecs(:,end+1) = vec;
        names{end+1} = name;

        % visualize face + name
        face = cv.resize(face, [96 96]);
        face = cv.putText(face, name, [5 25], ...
            'Color',name2clr(name, names), 'FontScale',0.6, 'Thickness',2);
        faces(:,:,:,end+1) = face;

        % show montage of tracked people
        if ishghandle(hThumb)
            clf(hThumb, 'reset');
            hThumb = figure;
        montage(faces, 'Size',[NaN 2]);
        movegui(hThumb, 'east')

Helper functions

function [rects, confs] = detectFaces(img, net, blobOpts, thresh)
    %DETECTFACES  Run face detection network to detect faces on input image
    % You may play with input blob sizes to balance detection quality and
    % efficiency. The bigger input blob the smaller faces may be detected.

    % detect faces
    net.setInput(cv.Net.blobFromImages(flip(img,3), blobOpts{:}));
    dets = net.forward();

    % SSD output is 1-by-1-by-ndetections-by-7
    % d = [img_id, class_id, confidence, left, bottom, right, top]
    dets = permute(dets, [3 4 2 1]);

    % filter out weak detections
    if nargin < 4, thresh = 0.5; end
    idx = (dets(:,2) == 1 & dets(:,3) > thresh);  % 0: background, 1: face
    dets = dets(idx,:);

    % adjust relative coordinates to image size
    sz = [size(img,2) size(img,1)];
    dets(:,4:7) = bsxfun(@times, dets(:,4:7), [sz sz]);

    % output detections (clamp coords and remove small and out-of-bound rects)
    rects = cv.Rect.from2points(dets(:,4:5), dets(:,6:7));
    rects = cv.Rect.intersect(rects, [0 0 sz]);
    idx = (cv.Rect.area(rects) >= 10);
    rects = rects(idx,:);
    confs = dets(idx,3);

function img = alignFace(img)
    %ALIGNFACE  Align face to make the eyes and bottom lip appear in the same location
    % OpenFace expects faces to be aligned, it uses Dlib.

    %TODO: not implemented, maybe we could port this:
    % https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/05/22/face-alignment-with-opencv-and-python/

    %TODO: we could also use facial landmarks from opencv_contrib face module
    % (cv.Facemark and cv.FacemarkKazemi)

function vec = face2vec(img, net, blobOpts)
    %FACE2VEC  Get 128 floating points feature vector
    % Run face recognition network to receive 128-dimensional unit feature
    % vector from input face image.

    net.setInput(cv.Net.blobFromImages(img, blobOpts{:}));
    vec = net.forward();
    vec = vec(:);

function [name, score] = recognizeFace(vec, vecs, names, thresh)
    %RECOGNIZEFACE  Perform face recognition
    % Match a new feature vector with registered ones. Return a name of the
    % best matched person.
    % (NOTE: For more advanced usage, we could train an SVM classifier)
    % See also: pdist2

    if nargin < 4, thresh = 0.5; end
    name = 'unknown';
    score = -1;

    if ~isempty(vecs)
        scores = vec.' * vecs;  % dot-product of vec against each vecs(:,i)
        [s, idx] = max(scores);
        if s > thresh
            name = names{idx};
            score = s;

function clr = name2clr(name, names)
    clrs = round(255 * lines(7));
    idx = find(strcmp(name, names));
    if isempty(idx)
        clr = [128 128 128];
        idx = rem(idx - 1, 7) + 1;
        clr = clrs(idx,:);

function img = insertAnnotation(img, rect, str, varargin)
    % See also: insertObjectAnnotation, insertShape, insertText
    p = inputParser();
    p.addParameter('Alpha', 0.6);
    p.addParameter('Thickness', 1);
    p.addParameter('Color', [255 255 0]);
    p.addParameter('TextColor', [0 0 0]);
    p.addParameter('FontFace', 'HersheySimplex');
    p.addParameter('FontScale', 0.4);
    p.addParameter('AntiAlias', true);
    p.addParameter('Shape', 'rectangle');
    opts = p.Results;
    opts.Shape = validatestring(opts.Shape, {'rectangle','circle'});
    thick = 1;

    [sz,b] = cv.getTextSize(str, 'Thickness',thick, ...
        'FontFace',opts.FontFace, 'FontScale',opts.FontScale);
    txt_rect = [rect(1), rect(2)-sz(2)-b, sz(1), sz(2)+b];
    txt_orig = [rect(1), rect(2)-b];

    if opts.AntiAlias
        alias = {'LineType','AA'};
        alias = {'LineType',8};

    overlay = img;
    if strcmp(opts.Shape, 'rectangle')
        overlay = cv.rectangle(overlay, rect, ...
            'Color',opts.Color, 'Thickness',opts.Thickness, alias{:});
        c = rect(1:2) + rect(3:4)/2;
        r = max(rect(3:4)/2);
        overlay = cv.circle(overlay, c, r, ...
            'Color',opts.Color, 'Thickness',opts.Thickness, alias{:});
    overlay = cv.rectangle(overlay, txt_rect, ...
        'Color',opts.Color, 'Thickness','Filled', alias{:});
    if opts.Thickness > 1
        overlay = cv.rectangle(overlay, txt_rect, ...
            'Color',opts.Color, 'Thickness',opts.Thickness, alias{:});
    overlay = cv.putText(overlay, str, txt_orig, ...
        'FontFace',opts.FontFace, 'FontScale',opts.FontScale, ...
        'Color',opts.TextColor, 'Thickness',thick, alias{:});

    img = cv.addWeighted(img,1-opts.Alpha, overlay,opts.Alpha, 0);

Pretrained models

function dname = get_dnn_dir(dname)
    %GET_DNN_DIR  Path to model files, and show where to get them if missing

    dname = fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'dnn', dname);
    b = isdir(dname);
    if ~b
        % display help of calling function
        % (assumed to be a local function in current file)
        st = dbstack(1);
        help([mfilename() filemarker() st(1).name])
    assert(b, 'Missing model: %s', dname);

function [net, blobOpts] = ResNetSSD_FaceDetector()
    %RESNETSSD_FACEDETECTOR  face detector based on SSD framework with reduced ResNet-10 backbone
    % homepage = https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/3.4.0/samples/dnn/face_detector/how_to_train_face_detector.txt
    % ## Model
    % file = test/dnn/ResNetSSD_FaceDetector/deploy.prototxt
    % url  = https://github.com/opencv/opencv/raw/3.4.0/samples/dnn/face_detector/deploy.prototxt
    % hash = 006BAF926232DF6F6332DEFB9C24F94BB9F3764E
    % ## Weights
    % file = test/dnn/ResNetSSD_FaceDetector/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel
    % url  = https://github.com/opencv/opencv_3rdparty/raw/dnn_samples_face_detector_20170830/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel
    % hash = 15aa726b4d46d9f023526d85537db81cbc8dd566
    % size = 10.1 MB

    dname = get_dnn_dir('ResNetSSD_FaceDetector');
    net = cv.Net('Caffe', ...
        fullfile(dname, 'deploy.prototxt'), ...
        fullfile(dname, 'res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel'));
    blobOpts = {'SwapRB',false, 'Crop',false, 'Size',[300 300], 'Mean',[104 117 123]};

function [net, blobOpts] = OpenFace_Embedding()
    %OPENFACE  OpenFace embedding for face recognition
    % homepage = https://cmusatyalab.github.io/openface/
    % ## Model + Weights
    % file = test/dnn/OpenFace/nn4.small2.v1.t7
    % url  = https://storage.cmusatyalab.org/openface-models/nn4.small2.v1.t7
    % hash = ac8161a4376fb5a79ceec55d85bbb57ef81da9fe
    % size = 30 MB

    dname = get_dnn_dir('OpenFace');
    net = cv.Net('Torch', fullfile(dname, 'nn4.small2.v1.t7'));
    blobOpts = {'SwapRB',false, 'Crop',false, 'Size',[96 96], 'ScaleFactor',1/255};