Image Remapping
In this demo, we show how to use the OpenCV function cv.remap to implement simple remapping routines.
Remapping is the process of taking pixels from one place in the image and locating them in another position in a new image.
To accomplish the mapping process, it might be necessary to do some interpolation for non-integer pixel locations, since there will not always be a one-to-one-pixel correspondence between source and destination images.
We can express the remap for every pixel location as:
where is the remapped image,
the source image and
is the mapping function that operates on
Let's think in a quick example. Imagine that we have an image and, say we want to do a remap such that:
What would happen? It is easily seen that the image would flip in the direction. For instance, consider the input image:
observe how the red circle changes positions with respect to x (considering the horizontal direction):
In OpenCV, the function cv.remap offers a simple remapping implementation.
This program:
- Loads an image
- Apply 1 of 4 different remapping processes to the image and display them in a window.
load input image
src = imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'tsukuba.png')); imshow(src), title('Source')

prepare for building mapping matrices (for x and y coordinates), we are going to perform 4 different mappings
[rows,cols,~] = size(src); [X,Y] = meshgrid((1:cols)-1, (1:rows)-1); % 0-based indices map = struct('x',[], 'y',[]);
1) reduce the picture to half its size and center it in the middle
map(1).x = zeros(rows,cols); map(1).y = zeros(rows,cols); idx = (X > cols*0.25 & X < cols*0.75 & Y > rows*0.25 & Y < rows*0.75); map(1).x(idx) = 2*(X(idx) - cols*0.25) + 0.5; map(1).y(idx) = 2*(Y(idx) - rows*0.25) + 0.5;
2) turn the image upside down (flip-y)
map(2).x = X; map(2).y = rows - Y;
3) reflect the image from left to right (flip-x)
map(3).x = cols - X; map(3).y = Y;
4) combination of 3 and 4 (flip-xy)
map(4).x = cols - X; map(4).y = rows - Y;
apply mapping matrices to source image, and show results
pos = get(0, 'DefaultFigurePosition'); figure('Position',pos.*[0.5 0.5 1.3 1.3]) for k=1:4 dst = cv.remap(src, map(k).x, map(k).y); subplot(2,2,k), imshow(dst), title(sprintf('map(%d)',k)) end

show mapping matrices
figure('Position',pos.*[0.5 1 2 1]) for k=1:4 subplot(2,4,k), imshow(map(k).x, []), title(sprintf('map(%d).X',k)) subplot(2,4,k+4), imshow(map(k).y, []), title(sprintf('map(%d).Y',k)) end