mexopencv  3.4.1
MEX interface for OpenCV library
Files | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
core: Core Functionality


file  absdiff.cpp
 mex interface for cv::absdiff
file  add.cpp
 mex interface for cv::add
file  addWeighted.cpp
 mex interface for cv::addWeighted
file  batchDistance.cpp
 mex interface for cv::batchDistance
file  bitwise_and.cpp
 mex interface for cv::bitwise_and
file  bitwise_not.cpp
 mex interface for cv::bitwise_not
file  bitwise_or.cpp
 mex interface for cv::bitwise_or
file  bitwise_xor.cpp
 mex interface for cv::bitwise_xor
file  borderInterpolate.cpp
 mex interface for cv::borderInterpolate
file  calcCovarMatrix.cpp
 mex interface for cv::calcCovarMatrix
file  cartToPolar.cpp
 mex interface for cv::cartToPolar
file  compare.cpp
 mex interface for cv::compare
file  convertFp16.cpp
 mex interface for cv::convertFp16
file  convertScaleAbs.cpp
 mex interface for cv::convertScaleAbs
file  convertTo.cpp
 mex interface for cv::Mat::convertTo
file  copyMakeBorder.cpp
 mex interface for cv::copyMakeBorder
file  copyTo.cpp
 mex interface for cv::Mat::copyTo
file  dct.cpp
 mex interface for cv::dct
file  dft.cpp
 mex interface for cv::dft
file  divide.cpp
 mex interface for cv::divide
file  eigen.cpp
 mex interface for cv::eigen
file  eigenNonSymmetric.cpp
 mex interface for cv::eigenNonSymmetric
file  FileStorage.cpp
 mex interface for cv::FileStorage
file  flip.cpp
 mex interface for cv::flip
file  getBuildInformation.cpp
 mex interface for cv::getBuildInformation
file  getOptimalDFTSize.cpp
 mex interface for cv::getOptimalDFTSize
file  glob.cpp
 mex interface for cv::glob
file  inRange.cpp
 mex interface for cv::inRange
file  invert.cpp
 mex interface for cv::invert
file  kmeans.cpp
 mex interface for cv::kmeans
file  LUT.cpp
 mex interface for cv::LUT
file  magnitude.cpp
 mex interface for cv::magnitude
file  Mahalanobis.cpp
 mex interface for cv::Mahalanobis
file  mulSpectrums.cpp
 mex interface for cv::mulSpectrums
file  multiply.cpp
 mex interface for cv::multiply
file  norm.cpp
 mex interface for cv::norm
file  normalize.cpp
 mex interface for cv::normalize
file  perspectiveTransform.cpp
 mex interface for cv::perspectiveTransform
file  phase.cpp
 mex interface for cv::phase
file  polarToCart.cpp
 mex interface for cv::polarToCart
file  ConjGradSolver_.cpp
 mex interface for cv::ConjGradSolver
file  DownhillSolver_.cpp
 mex interface for cv::DownhillSolver
file  LDA_.cpp
 mex interface for cv::LDA
file  PCA_.cpp
 mex interface for cv::PCA
file  Rect_.cpp
 mex interface for cv::Rect
file  RotatedRect_.cpp
 mex interface for cv::RotatedRect
file  SVD_.cpp
 mex interface for cv::SVD
file  TickMeter_.cpp
 mex interface for cv::TickMeter and related functions
file  Utils_.cpp
 mex interface for some utilities and system functions
file  PSNR.cpp
 mex interface for cv::PSNR
file  redirectError.cpp
 mex interface for cv::redirectError
file  rotate.cpp
 mex interface for cv::rotate
file  setRNGSeed.cpp
 mex interface for cv::setRNGSeed
file  solve.cpp
 mex interface for cv::solve
file  solveLP.cpp
 mex interface for cv::solveLP
file  subtract.cpp
 mex interface for cv::subtract
file  tempfile.cpp
 mex interface for cv::tempfile
file  transform.cpp
 mex interface for cv::transform


typedef Affine3< double > Affine3d
typedef Affine3< float > Affine3f
typedef WImageC< short, 1 > WImage1_16s
typedef WImageC< ushort, 1 > WImage1_16u
typedef WImageC< uchar, 1 > WImage1_b
typedef WImageC< float, 1 > WImage1_f
typedef WImageC< short, 3 > WImage3_16s
typedef WImageC< ushort, 3 > WImage3_16u
typedef WImageC< uchar, 3 > WImage3_b
typedef WImageC< float, 3 > WImage3_f
typedef WImage< short > WImage_16s
typedef WImage< ushortWImage_16u
typedef WImage< ucharWImage_b
typedef WImage< float > WImage_f
typedef WImageBufferC< short, 1 > WImageBuffer1_16s
typedef WImageBufferC< ushort, 1 > WImageBuffer1_16u
typedef WImageBufferC< uchar, 1 > WImageBuffer1_b
typedef WImageBufferC< float, 1 > WImageBuffer1_f
typedef WImageBufferC< short, 3 > WImageBuffer3_16s
typedef WImageBufferC< ushort, 3 > WImageBuffer3_16u
typedef WImageBufferC< uchar, 3 > WImageBuffer3_b
typedef WImageBufferC< float, 3 > WImageBuffer3_f
typedef WImageBuffer< short > WImageBuffer_16s
typedef WImageBuffer< ushortWImageBuffer_16u
typedef WImageBuffer< ucharWImageBuffer_b
typedef WImageBuffer< float > WImageBuffer_f
typedef WImageViewC< short, 1 > WImageView1_16s
typedef WImageViewC< ushort, 1 > WImageView1_16u
typedef WImageViewC< uchar, 1 > WImageView1_b
typedef WImageViewC< float, 1 > WImageView1_f
typedef WImageViewC< short, 3 > WImageView3_16s
typedef WImageViewC< ushort, 3 > WImageView3_16u
typedef WImageViewC< uchar, 3 > WImageView3_b
typedef WImageViewC< float, 3 > WImageView3_f
typedef WImageView< short > WImageView_16s
typedef WImageView< ushortWImageView_16u
typedef WImageView< ucharWImageView_b
typedef WImageView< float > WImageView_f


enum  CovarFlags
enum  HersheyFonts
enum  KmeansFlags
enum  LineTypes
enum  ReduceTypes


 WImageView (WImage< T > *img, int c, int r, int width, int height)
 WImageView (T *data, int width, int height, int channels, int width_step=-1)
 WImageViewC ()
 WImageViewC (WImageC< T, C > *img, int c, int r, int width, int height)
 WImageViewC (T *data, int width, int height, int width_step=-1)
virtual ~WImage ()=0
virtual ~WImageC ()=0
void Allocate (int width, int height, int nchannels)
void Allocate (int width, int height)
void swap (Mat &a, Mat &b)
void swap (UMat &a, UMat &b)
WImageView< TView (int c, int r, int width, int height)



Detailed Description