cv - MATLAB File Help

Collection and development kit of MATLAB MEX functions for OpenCV library.

NameModuleRepo DescriptionSource Files
cv.RQDecomp3x3calib3dopencvComputes an RQ decomposition of 3x3 matricesC M T
cv.Rodriguescalib3dopencvConverts a rotation matrix to a rotation vector or vice versaC M T
cv.StereoBMcalib3dopencvClass for computing stereo correspondence using the block matching algorithmC M T
cv.StereoSGBMcalib3dopencvClass for computing stereo correspondence using the semi-global block matching algorithmC M T
cv.calibrateCameracalib3dopencvFinds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration patternC M T
cv.calibrationMatrixValuescalib3dopencvComputes useful camera characteristics from the camera matrixC M T
cv.composeRTcalib3dopencvCombines two rotation-and-shift transformationsC M T
cv.computeCorrespondEpilinescalib3dopencvFor points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other imageC M T
cv.convertPointsFromHomogeneouscalib3dopencvConverts points from homogeneous to Euclidean spaceC M T
cv.convertPointsToHomogeneouscalib3dopencvConverts points from Euclidean to homogeneous spaceC M T
cv.correctMatchescalib3dopencvRefines coordinates of corresponding pointsC M T
cv.decomposeEssentialMatcalib3dopencvDecompose an essential matrix to possible rotations and translationC M T
cv.decomposeHomographyMatcalib3dopencvDecompose a homography matrix to rotation(s), translation(s) and plane normal(s)C M T
cv.decomposeProjectionMatrixcalib3dopencvDecomposes a projection matrix into a rotation matrix and a camera matrixC M T
cv.drawChessboardCornerscalib3dopencvRenders the detected chessboard cornersC M T
cv.estimateAffine2Dcalib3dopencvComputes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point setsC M T
cv.estimateAffine3Dcalib3dopencvComputes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point setsC M T
cv.estimateAffinePartial2Dcalib3dopencvComputes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point setsC M T
cv.filterSpecklescalib3dopencvFilters off small noise blobs (speckles) in the disparity mapC M T
cv.find4QuadCornerSubpixcalib3dopencvFinds subpixel-accurate positions of the chessboard cornersC M T
cv.findChessboardCornerscalib3dopencvFinds the positions of internal corners of the chessboardC M T
cv.findCirclesGridcalib3dopencvFinds the centers in the grid of circlesC M T
cv.findEssentialMatcalib3dopencvCalculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two imagesC M T
cv.findFundamentalMatcalib3dopencvCalculates a fundamental matrix from the corresponding points in two imagesC M T
cv.findHomographycalib3dopencvFinds a perspective transformation between two planesC M T
cv.fisheyeCalibratecalib3dopencvPerforms camera calibration (fisheye)C M T
cv.fisheyeDistortPointscalib3dopencvDistorts 2D points using fisheye modelC M T
cv.fisheyeEstimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectifycalib3dopencvEstimates new camera matrix for undistortion or rectification (fisheye)C M T
cv.fisheyeInitUndistortRectifyMapcalib3dopencvComputes undistortion and rectification maps (fisheye)C M T
cv.fisheyeProjectPointscalib3dopencvProjects points using fisheye modelC M T
cv.fisheyeStereoCalibratecalib3dopencvPerforms stereo calibration (fisheye)C M T
cv.fisheyeStereoRectifycalib3dopencvStereo rectification for fisheye camera modelC M T
cv.fisheyeUndistortImagecalib3dopencvTransforms an image to compensate for fisheye lens distortionC M T
cv.fisheyeUndistortPointscalib3dopencvUndistorts 2D points using fisheye modelC M T
cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrixcalib3dopencvReturns the new camera matrix based on the free scaling parameterC M T
cv.getValidDisparityROIcalib3dopencvComputes valid disparity ROI from the valid ROIs of the rectified imagesC M T
cv.initCameraMatrix2Dcalib3dopencvFinds an initial camera matrix from 3D-2D point correspondencesC M T
cv.matMulDerivcalib3dopencvComputes partial derivatives of the matrix product for each multiplied matrixC M T
cv.projectPointscalib3dopencvProjects 3D points to an image planeC M T
cv.recoverPosecalib3dopencvRecover relative camera rotation and translation from an estimated essential matrix and the corresponding points in two images, using cheirality checkC M T
cv.rectify3Collinearcalib3dopencvComputes the rectification transformations for 3-head camera, where all the heads are on the same lineC M T
cv.reprojectImageTo3Dcalib3dopencvReprojects a disparity image to 3D spaceC M T
cv.sampsonDistancecalib3dopencvCalculates the Sampson Distance between two pointsC M T
cv.solveP3Pcalib3dopencvFinds an object pose from 3 3D-2D point correspondencesC M T
cv.solvePnPcalib3dopencvFinds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondencesC M T
cv.solvePnPRansaccalib3dopencvFinds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC schemeC M T
cv.stereoCalibratecalib3dopencvCalibrates the stereo cameraC M T
cv.stereoRectifycalib3dopencvComputes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo cameraC M T
cv.stereoRectifyUncalibratedcalib3dopencvComputes a rectification transform for an uncalibrated stereo cameraC M T
cv.triangulatePointscalib3dopencvReconstructs points by triangulationC M T
cv.validateDisparitycalib3dopencvValidates disparity using the left-right checkC M T
cv.ConjGradSolvercoreopencvNon-linear non-constrained minimization of a function with known gradientC M T
cv.DownhillSolvercoreopencvNon-linear non-constrained minimization of a functionC M T
cv.FileStoragecoreopencvReading from or writing to a XML/YAML/JSON file storageC M T
cv.LDAcoreopencvLinear Discriminant AnalysisC M T
cv.LUTcoreopencvPerforms a look-up table transform of an arrayC M T
cv.MahalanobiscoreopencvCalculates the Mahalanobis distance between two vectorsC M T
cv.PCAcoreopencvPrincipal Component Analysis classC M T
cv.PSNRcoreopencvComputes the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) image quality metricC M T
cv.RectcoreopencvClass for 2D rectanglesC M T
cv.RotatedRectcoreopencvThe class represents rotated (i.e. not up-right) rectangles on a planeC M T
cv.SVDcoreopencvSingular Value DecompositionC M T
cv.TickMetercoreopencvA class to measure passing timeC M T
cv.UtilscoreopencvUtility and system information functionsC M T
cv.absdiffcoreopencvCalculates the per-element absolute difference between two arrays or between an array and a scalarC M T
cv.addcoreopencvCalculates the per-element sum of two arrays or an array and a scalarC M T
cv.addWeightedcoreopencvCalculates the weighted sum of two arraysC M T
cv.batchDistancecoreopencvNaive nearest neighbor finderC M T
cv.bitwise_andcoreopencvCalculates the per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalarC M T
cv.bitwise_notcoreopencvInverts every bit of an arrayC M T
cv.bitwise_orcoreopencvCalculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalarC M T
cv.bitwise_xorcoreopencvCalculates the per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on two arrays or an array and a scalarC M T
cv.borderInterpolatecoreopencvComputes the source location of an extrapolated pixelC M T
cv.calcCovarMatrixcoreopencvCalculates the covariance matrix of a set of vectorsC M T
cv.cartToPolarcoreopencvCalculates the magnitude and angle of 2D vectorsC M T
cv.comparecoreopencvPerforms the per-element comparison of two arrays or an array and scalar valueC M T
cv.convertFp16coreopencvConverts an array to half precision floating numberC M T
cv.convertScaleAbscoreopencvScales, calculates absolute values, and converts the result to 8-bitC M T
cv.convertTocoreopencvConverts an array to another data type with optional scalingC M T
cv.copyMakeBordercoreopencvForms a border around an imageC M T
cv.copyTocoreopencvCopies the matrix to another oneC M T
cv.dctcoreopencvPerforms a forward or inverse discrete Cosine transform of 1D or 2D arrayC M T
cv.dftcoreopencvPerforms a forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of a 1D or 2D floating-point arrayC M T
cv.dividecoreopencvPerforms per-element division of two arrays or a scalar by an arrayC M T
cv.eigencoreopencvCalculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrixC M T
cv.eigenNonSymmetriccoreopencvCalculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-symmetric matrix (real eigenvalues only)C M T
cv.flipcoreopencvFlips a 2D array around vertical, horizontal, or both axesC M T
cv.getBuildInformationcoreopencvReturns OpenCV build informationC M T
cv.getOptimalDFTSizecoreopencvReturns the optimal DFT size for a given vector sizeC M T
cv.globcoreopencvFind all pathnames matching a specified patternC M T
cv.inRangecoreopencvChecks if array elements lie between the elements of two other arraysC M T
cv.invertcoreopencvFinds the inverse or pseudo-inverse of a matrixC M T
cv.kmeanscoreopencvFinds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clustersC M T
cv.magnitudecoreopencvCalculates the magnitude of 2D vectorsC M T
cv.mulSpectrumscoreopencvPerforms the per-element multiplication of two Fourier spectrumsC M T
cv.multiplycoreopencvCalculates the per-element scaled product of two arraysC M T
cv.normcoreopencvCalculates absolute array norm, absolute difference norm, or relative difference normC M T
cv.normalizecoreopencvNormalizes the norm or value range of an arrayC M T
cv.perspectiveTransformcoreopencvPerforms the perspective matrix transformation of vectorsC M T
cv.phasecoreopencvCalculates the rotation angle of 2D vectorsC M T
cv.polarToCartcoreopencvCalculates x and y coordinates of 2D vectors from their magnitude and angleC M T
cv.rotatecoreopencvRotates a 2D array in multiples of 90 degreesC M T
cv.setRNGSeedcoreopencvSets state of default random number generatorC M T
cv.solvecoreopencvSolves one or more linear systems or least-squares problemsC M T
cv.solveLPcoreopencvSolve given (non-integer) linear programming problem using the Simplex AlgorithmC M T
cv.subtractcoreopencvCalculates the per-element difference between two arrays or array and a scalarC M T
cv.tempfilecoreopencvReturn name of a temporary fileC M T
cv.transformcoreopencvPerforms the matrix transformation of every array elementC M T
cv.NetdnnopencvCreate and manipulate comprehensive artificial neural networksC M T
cv.AGASTfeatures2dopencvDetects corners using the AGAST algorithmC M T
cv.AKAZEfeatures2dopencvClass implementing the AKAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractorC M T
cv.AgastFeatureDetectorfeatures2dopencvWrapping class for feature detection using the AGAST methodC M T
cv.BOWImgDescriptorExtractorfeatures2dopencvClass to compute an image descriptor using the bag of visual wordsC M T
cv.BOWKMeansTrainerfeatures2dopencvKMeans-based class to train visual vocabulary using the bag of visual words approachC M T
cv.BRISKfeatures2dopencvClass implementing the BRISK keypoint detector and descriptor extractorC M T
cv.DescriptorExtractorfeatures2dopencvCommon interface of 2D image Descriptor ExtractorsC M T
cv.DescriptorMatcherfeatures2dopencvCommon interface for matching keypoint descriptorsC M T
cv.FASTfeatures2dopencvDetects corners using the FAST algorithmC M T
cv.FastFeatureDetectorfeatures2dopencvWrapping class for feature detection using the FAST methodC M T
cv.FeatureDetectorfeatures2dopencvCommon interface of 2D image Feature DetectorsC M T
cv.GFTTDetectorfeatures2dopencvWrapping class for feature detection using the goodFeaturesToTrack functionC M T
cv.KAZEfeatures2dopencvClass implementing the KAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractorC M T
cv.KeyPointsFilterfeatures2dopencvMethods to filter a vector of keypointsC M T
cv.MSERfeatures2dopencvMaximally Stable Extremal Region extractorC M T
cv.ORBfeatures2dopencvClass implementing the ORB (oriented BRIEF) keypoint detector and descriptor extractorC M T
cv.SimpleBlobDetectorfeatures2dopencvClass for extracting blobs from an imageC M T
cv.computeRecallPrecisionCurvefeatures2dopencvEvaluate a descriptor extractor by computing precision/recall curveC M T
cv.drawKeypointsfeatures2dopencvDraws keypointsC M T
cv.drawMatchesfeatures2dopencvDraws the found matches of keypoints from two imagesC M T
cv.evaluateFeatureDetectorfeatures2dopencvEvaluates a feature detectorC M T
cv.imdecodeimgcodecsopencvReads an image from a buffer in memoryC M T
cv.imencodeimgcodecsopencvEncodes an image into a memory bufferC M T
cv.imreadimgcodecsopencvLoads an image from a fileC M T
cv.imreadmultiimgcodecsopencvLoads a multi-page image from a fileC M T
cv.imwriteimgcodecsopencvSaves an image to a specified fileC M T
cv.CLAHEimgprocopencvContrast Limited Adaptive Histogram EqualizationC M T
cv.CannyimgprocopencvFinds edges in an image using the Canny algorithmC M T
cv.Canny2imgprocopencvFinds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm with custom image gradientC M T
cv.EMDimgprocopencvComputes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurationsC M T
cv.GaussianBlurimgprocopencvSmooths an image using a Gaussian filterC M T
cv.GeneralizedHoughBallardimgprocopencvGeneralized Hough transformC M T
cv.GeneralizedHoughGuilimgprocopencvGeneralized Hough transformC M T
cv.HoughCirclesimgprocopencvFinds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transformC M T
cv.HoughLinesimgprocopencvFinds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transformC M T
cv.HoughLinesPimgprocopencvFinds line segments in a binary image using the probabilistic Hough transformC M T
cv.HoughLinesPointSetimgprocopencvFinds lines in a set of points using the standard Hough transformC M T
cv.HuMomentsimgprocopencvCalculates seven Hu invariantsC M T
cv.LaplacianimgprocopencvCalculates the Laplacian of an imageC M T
cv.LineIteratorimgprocopencvRaster line iteratorC M T
cv.LineSegmentDetectorimgprocopencvLine segment detector classC M T
cv.ScharrimgprocopencvCalculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operatorC M T
cv.SobelimgprocopencvCalculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operatorC M T
cv.Subdiv2DimgprocopencvDelaunay triangulation and Voronoi tessellationC M T
cv.accumulateimgprocopencvAdds an image to the accumulator imageC M T
cv.accumulateProductimgprocopencvAdds the per-element product of two input images to the accumulatorC M T
cv.accumulateSquareimgprocopencvAdds the square of a source image to the accumulator imageC M T
cv.accumulateWeightedimgprocopencvUpdates a running averageC M T
cv.adaptiveThresholdimgprocopencvApplies an adaptive threshold to an arrayC M T
cv.applyColorMapimgprocopencvApplies a GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormap on a given imageC M T
cv.approxPolyDPimgprocopencvApproximates a polygonal curve(s) with the specified precisionC M T
cv.arcLengthimgprocopencvCalculates a contour perimeter or a curve lengthC M T
cv.arrowedLineimgprocopencvDraws an arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second oneC M T
cv.bilateralFilterimgprocopencvApplies the bilateral filter to an imageC M T
cv.blendLinearimgprocopencvPerforms linear blending of two imagesC M T
cv.blurimgprocopencvSmooths an image using the normalized box filterC M T
cv.boundingRectimgprocopencvCalculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point setC M T
cv.boxFilterimgprocopencvBlurs an image using the box filterC M T
cv.boxPointsimgprocopencvFinds the four vertices of a rotated rectangleC M T
cv.buildPyramidimgprocopencvConstructs the Gaussian pyramid for an imageC M T
cv.calcBackProjectimgprocopencvCalculates the back projection of a histogramC M T
cv.calcHistimgprocopencvCalculates a histogram of a set of arraysC M T
cv.circleimgprocopencvDraws a circleC M T
cv.clipLineimgprocopencvClips the line against the image rectangleC M T
cv.compareHistimgprocopencvCompares two histogramsC M T
cv.connectedComponentsimgprocopencvComputes the connected components labeled image of boolean imageC M T
cv.contourAreaimgprocopencvCalculates a contour areaC M T
cv.convertMapsimgprocopencvConverts image transformation maps from one representation to anotherC M T
cv.convexHullimgprocopencvFinds the convex hull of a point setC M T
cv.convexityDefectsimgprocopencvFinds the convexity defects of a contourC M T
cv.cornerEigenValsAndVecsimgprocopencvCalculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detectionC M T
cv.cornerHarrisimgprocopencvHarris corner detectorC M T
cv.cornerMinEigenValimgprocopencvCalculates the minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detectionC M T
cv.cornerSubPiximgprocopencvRefines the corner locationsC M T
cv.createHanningWindowimgprocopencvComputes a Hanning window coefficients in two dimensionsC M T
cv.cvtColorimgprocopencvConverts an image from one color space to anotherC M T
cv.cvtColorTwoPlaneimgprocopencvDual-plane color conversion modesC M T
cv.demosaicingimgprocopencvDemosaicing algorithmC M T
cv.dilateimgprocopencvDilates an image by using a specific structuring elementC M T
cv.distanceTransformimgprocopencvCalculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source imageC M T
cv.drawContoursimgprocopencvDraws contours outlines or filled contoursC M T
cv.drawMarkerimgprocopencvDraws a marker on a predefined position in an imageC M T
cv.ellipseimgprocopencvDraws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sectorC M T
cv.ellipse2PolyimgprocopencvApproximates an elliptic arc with a polylineC M T
cv.equalizeHistimgprocopencvEqualizes the histogram of a grayscale imageC M T
cv.erodeimgprocopencvErodes an image by using a specific structuring elementC M T
cv.fillConvexPolyimgprocopencvFills a convex polygonC M T
cv.fillPolyimgprocopencvFills the area bounded by one or more polygonsC M T
cv.filter2DimgprocopencvConvolves an image with the kernelC M T
cv.findContoursimgprocopencvFinds contours in a binary imageC M T
cv.fitEllipseimgprocopencvFits an ellipse around a set of 2D pointsC M T
cv.fitLineimgprocopencvFits a line to a 2D or 3D point setC M T
cv.floodFillimgprocopencvFills a connected component with the given colorC M T
cv.getAffineTransformimgprocopencvCalculates an affine transform from three pairs of corresponding pointsC M T
cv.getDefaultNewCameraMatriximgprocopencvReturns the default new camera matrixC M T
cv.getDerivKernelsimgprocopencvReturns filter coefficients for computing spatial image derivativesC M T
cv.getFontScaleFromHeightimgprocopencvCalculates the font-specific size to use to achieve a given height in pixelsC M T
cv.getGaborKernelimgprocopencvReturns Gabor filter coefficientsC M T
cv.getGaussianKernelimgprocopencvReturns Gaussian filter coefficientsC M T
cv.getPerspectiveTransformimgprocopencvCalculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding pointsC M T
cv.getRectSubPiximgprocopencvRetrieves a pixel rectangle from an image with sub-pixel accuracyC M T
cv.getRotationMatrix2DimgprocopencvCalculates an affine matrix of 2D rotationC M T
cv.getStructuringElementimgprocopencvReturns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for morphological operationsC M T
cv.getTextSizeimgprocopencvCalculates the width and height of a text stringC M T
cv.goodFeaturesToTrackimgprocopencvDetermines strong corners on an imageC M T
cv.grabCutimgprocopencvRuns the GrabCut algorithmC M T
cv.initUndistortRectifyMapimgprocopencvComputes the undistortion and rectification transformation mapC M T
cv.initWideAngleProjMapimgprocopencvInitializes maps for cv.remap for wide-angleC M T
cv.integralimgprocopencvCalculates the integral of an imageC M T
cv.intersectConvexConveximgprocopencvFinds intersection of two convex polygonsC M T
cv.invertAffineTransformimgprocopencvInverts an affine transformationC M T
cv.isContourConveximgprocopencvTests a contour convexityC M T
cv.lineimgprocopencvDraws a line segment connecting two pointsC M T
cv.linearPolarimgprocopencvRemaps an image to polar coordinates spaceC M T
cv.logPolarimgprocopencvRemaps an image to semilog-polar coordinates spaceC M T
cv.matchShapesimgprocopencvCompares two shapesC M T
cv.matchTemplateimgprocopencvCompares a template against overlapped image regionsC M T
cv.medianBlurimgprocopencvBlurs an image using the median filterC M T
cv.minAreaRectimgprocopencvFinds a rotated rectangle of the minimum area enclosing the input 2D point setC M T
cv.minEnclosingCircleimgprocopencvFinds a circle of the minimum area enclosing a 2D point setC M T
cv.minEnclosingTriangleimgprocopencvFinds a triangle of minimum area enclosing a 2D point set and returns its areaC M T
cv.momentsimgprocopencvCalculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shapeC M T
cv.morphologyEximgprocopencvPerforms advanced morphological transformationsC M T
cv.phaseCorrelateimgprocopencvDetect translational shifts that occur between two imagesC M T
cv.pointPolygonTestimgprocopencvPerforms a point-in-contour testC M T
cv.polylinesimgprocopencvDraws several polygonal curvesC M T
cv.preCornerDetectimgprocopencvCalculates a feature map for corner detectionC M T
cv.putTextimgprocopencvDraws a text stringC M T
cv.pyrDownimgprocopencvBlurs an image and downsamples itC M T
cv.pyrMeanShiftFilteringimgprocopencvPerforms initial step of meanshift segmentation of an imageC M T
cv.pyrUpimgprocopencvUpsamples an image and then blurs itC M T
cv.rectangleimgprocopencvDraws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangleC M T
cv.remapimgprocopencvApplies a generic geometrical transformation to an imageC M T
cv.resizeimgprocopencvResizes an imageC M T
cv.rotatedRectangleIntersectionimgprocopencvFinds out if there is any intersection between two rotated rectanglesC M T
cv.sepFilter2DimgprocopencvApplies a separable linear filter to an imageC M T
cv.spatialGradientimgprocopencvCalculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operatorC M T
cv.sqrBoxFilterimgprocopencvCalculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filterC M T
cv.thresholdimgprocopencvApplies a fixed-level threshold to each array elementC M T
cv.undistortimgprocopencvTransforms an image to compensate for lens distortionC M T
cv.undistortPointsimgprocopencvComputes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinatesC M T
cv.warpAffineimgprocopencvApplies an affine transformation to an imageC M T
cv.warpPerspectiveimgprocopencvApplies a perspective transformation to an imageC M T
cv.watershedimgprocopencvPerforms a marker-based image segmentation using the watershed algorithmC M T
cv.ANN_MLPmlopencvArtificial Neural Networks - Multi-Layer PerceptronsC M T
cv.BoostmlopencvBoosted tree classifier derived from cv.DTreesC M T
cv.DTreesmlopencvDecision TreesC M T
cv.EMmlopencvExpectation Maximization AlgorithmC M T
cv.KNearestmlopencvThe class implements K-Nearest Neighbors modelC M T
cv.LogisticRegressionmlopencvLogistic Regression classifierC M T
cv.NormalBayesClassifiermlopencvBayes classifier for normally distributed dataC M T
cv.RTreesmlopencvRandom TreesC M T
cv.SVMmlopencvSupport Vector MachinesC M T
cv.SVMSGDmlopencvStochastic Gradient Descent SVM classifierC M T
cv.createConcentricSpheresTestSetmlopencvCreates test setC M T
cv.randMVNormalmlopencvGenerates sample from multivariate normal distributionC M T
cv.CascadeClassifierobjdetectopencvHaar Feature-based Cascade Classifier for Object DetectionC M T
cv.DetectionBasedTrackerobjdetectopencvDetection-based trackerC M T
cv.HOGDescriptorobjdetectopencvHistogram of Oriented Gaussian (HOG) descriptor and object detectorC M T
cv.SimilarRectsobjdetectopencvClass for grouping object candidates, detected by Cascade Classifier, HOG etc.C M T
cv.groupRectanglesobjdetectopencvGroups the object candidate rectanglesC M T
cv.groupRectangles_meanshiftobjdetectopencvGroups the object candidate rectangles using meanshiftC M T
cv.AlignMTBphotoopencvAligns images of the same scene with different exposuresC M T
cv.CalibrateDebevecphotoopencvCamera Response Calibration algorithmC M T
cv.CalibrateRobertsonphotoopencvCamera Response Calibration algorithmC M T
cv.MergeDebevecphotoopencvMerge exposure sequence to a single imageC M T
cv.MergeMertensphotoopencvMerge exposure sequence to a single imageC M T
cv.MergeRobertsonphotoopencvMerge exposure sequence to a single imageC M T
cv.TonemapphotoopencvTonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit rangeC M T
cv.TonemapDragophotoopencvTonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit rangeC M T
cv.TonemapDurandphotoopencvTonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit rangeC M T
cv.TonemapMantiukphotoopencvTonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit rangeC M T
cv.TonemapReinhardphotoopencvTonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit rangeC M T
cv.colorChangephotoopencvColor ChangeC M T
cv.decolorphotoopencvTransforms a color image to a grayscale imageC M T
cv.denoise_TVL1photoopencvPrimal-Dual algorithm to perform image denoisingC M T
cv.detailEnhancephotoopencvThis filter enhances the details of a particular imageC M T
cv.edgePreservingFilterphotoopencvEdge-preserving smoothing filterC M T
cv.fastNlMeansDenoisingphotoopencvImage denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithmC M T
cv.fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredphotoopencvModification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored imagesC M T
cv.fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMultiphotoopencvModification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequencesC M T
cv.fastNlMeansDenoisingMultiphotoopencvModification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images sequencesC M T
cv.illuminationChangephotoopencvIllumination ChangeC M T
cv.inpaintphotoopencvRestores the selected region in an image using the region neighborhoodC M T
cv.pencilSketchphotoopencvPencil-like non-photorealistic line drawingC M T
cv.seamlessClonephotoopencvSeamless CloningC M T
cv.stylizationphotoopencvStylization filterC M T
cv.textureFlatteningphotoopencvTexture FlatteningC M T
cv.EMDL1shapeopencvComputes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurationsC M T
cv.HausdorffDistanceExtractorshapeopencvA simple Hausdorff distance measure between shapes defined by contoursC M T
cv.ShapeContextDistanceExtractorshapeopencvImplementation of the Shape Context descriptor and matching algorithmC M T
cv.ShapeTransformershapeopencvBase class for shape transformation algorithmsC M T
cv.BlenderstitchingopencvClass for all image blendersC M T
cv.BundleAdjusterstitchingopencvClass for all camera parameters refinement methodsC M T
cv.EstimatorstitchingopencvRotation estimator base classC M T
cv.ExposureCompensatorstitchingopencvClass for all exposure compensatorsC M T
cv.FeaturesFinderstitchingopencvFeature finders classC M T
cv.FeaturesMatcherstitchingopencvFeature matchers classC M T
cv.RotationWarperstitchingopencvRotation-only model image warperC M T
cv.SeamFinderstitchingopencvClass for all seam estimatorsC M T
cv.StitcherstitchingopencvHigh level image stitcherC M T
cv.TimelapserstitchingopencvTimelapser classC M T
cv.SuperResolutionsuperresopencvClass for a whole family of Super Resolution algorithmsC M T
cv.BackgroundSubtractorKNNvideoopencvK-nearest neighbours based Background/Foreground Segmentation AlgorithmC M T
cv.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2videoopencvGaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation AlgorithmC M T
cv.CamShiftvideoopencvFinds an object center, size, and orientationC M T
cv.DualTVL1OpticalFlowvideoopencv"Dual TV L1" Optical Flow AlgorithmC M T
cv.FarnebackOpticalFlowvideoopencvDense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithmC M T
cv.KalmanFiltervideoopencvKalman filter classC M T
cv.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlowvideoopencvClass used for calculating a sparse optical flowC M T
cv.buildOpticalFlowPyramidvideoopencvConstructs the image pyramid which can be passed to cv.calcOpticalFlowPyrLKC M T
cv.calcOpticalFlowFarnebackvideoopencvComputes a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithmC M T
cv.calcOpticalFlowPyrLKvideoopencvCalculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramidsC M T
cv.estimateRigidTransformvideoopencvComputes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point setsC M T
cv.findTransformECCvideoopencvFinds the geometric transform (warp) between two images in terms of the ECC criterionC M T
cv.meanShiftvideoopencvFinds an object on a back projection imageC M T
cv.VideoCapturevideoioopencvClass for video capturing from video files or camerasC M T
cv.VideoWritervideoioopencvVideo Writer classC M T
cv.OnePassStabilizervideostabopencvA one-pass video stabilizerC M T
cv.TwoPassStabilizervideostabopencvA two-pass video stabilizerC M T
cv.calcBlurrinessvideostabopencvCalculate image blurrinessC M T
cv.estimateGlobalMotionLeastSquaresvideostabopencvEstimates best global motion between two 2D point clouds in the least-squares senseC M T
cv.estimateGlobalMotionRansacvideostabopencvEstimates best global motion between two 2D point clouds robustly (using RANSAC method)C M T
cv.boardDumparucoopencv_contribDump board (aruco)C M T
cv.calibrateCameraArucoarucoopencv_contribCalibrate a camera using aruco markersC M T
cv.calibrateCameraCharucoarucoopencv_contribCalibrate a camera using ChArUco cornersC M T
cv.detectCharucoDiamondarucoopencv_contribDetect ChArUco Diamond markersC M T
cv.detectMarkersarucoopencv_contribBasic ArUco marker detectionC M T
cv.dictionaryDumparucoopencv_contribDump dictionary (aruco)C M T
cv.drawAxisarucoopencv_contribDraw coordinate system axis from pose estimationC M T
cv.drawCharucoBoardarucoopencv_contribDraw a ChArUco boardC M T
cv.drawCharucoDiamondarucoopencv_contribDraw a ChArUco Diamond markerC M T
cv.drawDetectedCornersCharucoarucoopencv_contribDraws a set of ChArUco cornersC M T
cv.drawDetectedDiamondsarucoopencv_contribDraw a set of detected ChArUco Diamond markersC M T
cv.drawDetectedMarkersarucoopencv_contribDraw detected markers in imageC M T
cv.drawMarkerArucoarucoopencv_contribDraw a canonical marker imageC M T
cv.drawPlanarBoardarucoopencv_contribDraw a planar boardC M T
cv.estimatePoseBoardarucoopencv_contribPose estimation for a board of markersC M T
cv.estimatePoseCharucoBoardarucoopencv_contribPose estimation for a ChArUco board given some of their cornersC M T
cv.estimatePoseSingleMarkersarucoopencv_contribPose estimation for single markersC M T
cv.getBoardObjectAndImagePointsarucoopencv_contribGiven a board configuration and a set of detected markers, returns the corresponding image points and object points to call solvePnPC M T
cv.interpolateCornersCharucoarucoopencv_contribInterpolate position of ChArUco board cornersC M T
cv.refineDetectedMarkersarucoopencv_contribRefind not detected markers based on the already detected and the board layoutC M T
cv.BackgroundSubtractorCNTbgsegmopencv_contribBackground subtraction based on countingC M T
cv.BackgroundSubtractorGMGbgsegmopencv_contribBackground Subtractor moduleC M T
cv.BackgroundSubtractorGSOCbgsegmopencv_contribBackground Subtraction implemented during GSOCC M T
cv.BackgroundSubtractorLSBPbgsegmopencv_contribBackground Subtraction using Local SVD Binary PatternC M T
cv.BackgroundSubtractorMOGbgsegmopencv_contribGaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation AlgorithmC M T
cv.SyntheticSequenceGeneratorbgsegmopencv_contribSynthetic frame sequence generator for testing background subtraction algorithmsC M T
cv.Retinabioinspiredopencv_contribA biological retina model for image spatio-temporal noise and luminance changes enhancementC M T
cv.RetinaFastToneMappingbioinspiredopencv_contribClass with tone mapping algorithm of Meylan et al. (2007)C M T
cv.TransientAreasSegmentationModulebioinspiredopencv_contribClass which provides a transient/moving areas segmentation moduleC M T
cv.Datasetdatasetsopencv_contribClass for working with different datasetsC M T
cv.InferBboxdnn_objdetectopencv_contribPost-process DNN object detection model predictionsC M T
cv.DPMDetectordpmopencv_contribDeformable Part-based Models (DPM) detectorC M T
cv.BIFfaceopencv_contribImplementation of bio-inspired features (BIF)C M T
cv.BasicFaceRecognizerfaceopencv_contribFace Recognition based on Eigen-/Fisher-facesC M T
cv.Facemarkfaceopencv_contribBase class for all facemark modelsC M T
cv.FacemarkKazemifaceopencv_contribFace AlignmentC M T
cv.LBPHFaceRecognizerfaceopencv_contribFace Recognition based on Local Binary PatternsC M T
cv.HfsSegmenthfsopencv_contribHierarchical Feature Selection for Efficient Image SegmentationC M T
cv.ImgHashimg_hashopencv_contribBase class for Image Hashing algorithmsC M T
cv.BinaryDescriptorline_descriptoropencv_contribClass implements both functionalities for detection of lines and computation of their binary descriptorC M T
cv.BinaryDescriptorMatcherline_descriptoropencv_contribBinaryDescriptor matcher classC M T
cv.LSDDetectorline_descriptoropencv_contribLine Segment DetectorC M T
cv.drawKeylinesline_descriptoropencv_contribDraws keylinesC M T
cv.drawLineMatchesline_descriptoropencv_contribDraws the found matches of keylines from two imagesC M T
cv.DISOpticalFlowoptflowopencv_contribDIS optical flow algorithmC M T
cv.GPCForestoptflowopencv_contribImplementation of the Global Patch Collider algorithmC M T
cv.OpticalFlowPCAFlowoptflowopencv_contribPCAFlow algorithmC M T
cv.VariationalRefinementoptflowopencv_contribVariational optical flow refinementC M T
cv.calcGlobalOrientationoptflowopencv_contribCalculates a global motion orientation in a selected regionC M T
cv.calcMotionGradientoptflowopencv_contribCalculates a gradient orientation of a motion history imageC M T
cv.calcOpticalFlowDFoptflowopencv_contribDeepFlow optical flow algorithm implementationC M T
cv.calcOpticalFlowSFoptflowopencv_contribCalculate an optical flow using "SimpleFlow" algorithmC M T
cv.calcOpticalFlowSparseToDenseoptflowopencv_contribFast dense optical flow based on PyrLK sparse matches interpolationC M T
cv.readOpticalFlowoptflowopencv_contribRead a .flo fileC M T
cv.segmentMotionoptflowopencv_contribSplits a motion history image into a few parts corresponding to separate independent motions (for example, left hand, right hand)C M T
cv.updateMotionHistoryoptflowopencv_contribUpdates the motion history image by a moving silhouetteC M T
cv.writeOpticalFlowoptflowopencv_contribWrite a .flo to diskC M T
cv.Plot2dplotopencv_contribClass to plot 2D dataC M T
cv.MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014saliencyopencv_contribA Fast Self-tuning Background Subtraction Algorithm for Motion SaliencyC M T
cv.ObjectnessBINGsaliencyopencv_contribThe Binarized normed gradients algorithm for ObjectnessC M T
cv.StaticSaliencyFineGrainedsaliencyopencv_contribThe Fine Grained Saliency approach for Static SaliencyC M T
cv.StaticSaliencySpectralResidualsaliencyopencv_contribThe Spectral Residual approach for Static SaliencyC M T
cv.TextDetectorCNNtextopencv_contribClass providing functionality of text detectionC M T
cv.AffineFeature2Dxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing affine adaptation for key pointsC M T
cv.BoostDescxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing BoostDesc (Learning Image Descriptors with Boosting)C M T
cv.BriefDescriptorExtractorxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass for computing BRIEF descriptorsC M T
cv.DAISYxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing DAISY descriptorC M T
cv.FASTForPointSetxfeatures2dopencv_contribEstimates cornerness for pre-specified KeyPoints using the FAST algorithmC M T
cv.FREAKxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing the FREAK (Fast Retina Keypoint) keypoint descriptorC M T
cv.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing the Harris-Laplace feature detectorC M T
cv.LATCHxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass for computing the LATCH descriptorC M T
cv.LUCIDxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing the Locally Uniform Comparison Image DescriptorC M T
cv.MSDDetectorxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing the MSD (Maximal Self-Dissimilarity) keypoint detectorC M T
cv.PCTSignaturesxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing PCT (Position-Color-Texture) signature extractionC M T
cv.PCTSignaturesSQFDxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing Signature Quadratic Form Distance (SQFD)C M T
cv.SIFTxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors using the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)C M T
cv.SURFxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features from an imageC M T
cv.StarDetectorxfeatures2dopencv_contribThe class implements the Star keypoint detectorC M T
cv.VGGxfeatures2dopencv_contribClass implementing VGG (Oxford Visual Geometry Group) descriptorC M T
cv.matchGMSxfeatures2dopencv_contribGMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategyC M T
cv.AdaptiveManifoldFilterximgprocopencv_contribInterface for Adaptive Manifold Filter realizationsC M T
cv.BrightEdgesximgprocopencv_contribBright edges detectorC M T
cv.ContourFittingximgprocopencv_contribContour Fitting algorithm using Fourier descriptorsC M T
cv.DTFilterximgprocopencv_contribInterface for realizations of Domain Transform filterC M T
cv.DisparityWLSFilterximgprocopencv_contribDisparity map filter based on Weighted Least Squares filterC M T
cv.EdgeAwareInterpolatorximgprocopencv_contribSparse match interpolation algorithmC M T
cv.EdgeBoxesximgprocopencv_contribClass implementing Edge Boxes algorithmC M T
cv.FastGlobalSmootherFilterximgprocopencv_contribInterface for implementations of Fast Global Smoother filterC M T
cv.FastHoughTransformximgprocopencv_contribCalculates 2D Fast Hough transform of an imageC M T
cv.FastLineDetectorximgprocopencv_contribClass implementing the FLD (Fast Line Detector) algorithmC M T
cv.GradientDericheximgprocopencv_contribApplies Deriche filter to an imageC M T
cv.GradientPaillouximgprocopencv_contribApplies Paillou filter to an imageC M T
cv.GraphSegmentationximgprocopencv_contribGraph Based Segmentation algorithmC M T
cv.GuidedFilterximgprocopencv_contribInterface for realizations of Guided FilterC M T
cv.HoughPoint2Lineximgprocopencv_contribCalculates coordinates of line segment corresponded by point in Hough spaceC M T
cv.PeiLinNormalizationximgprocopencv_contribCalculates an affine transformation that normalize given image using Pei/Lin NormalizationC M T
cv.RidgeDetectionFilterximgprocopencv_contribRidge Detection FilterC M T
cv.SelectiveSearchSegmentationximgprocopencv_contribSelective search segmentation algorithmC M T
cv.StructuredEdgeDetectionximgprocopencv_contribClass implementing edge detection algorithmC M T
cv.SuperpixelLSCximgprocopencv_contribClass implementing the LSC (Linear Spectral Clustering) superpixels algorithmC M T
cv.SuperpixelSEEDSximgprocopencv_contribClass implementing the SEEDS (Superpixels Extracted via Energy-Driven Sampling) superpixels algorithmC M T
cv.SuperpixelSLICximgprocopencv_contribClass implementing the SLIC (Simple Linear Iterative Clustering) superpixels algorithmC M T
cv.anisotropicDiffusionximgprocopencv_contribPerforms anisotropic diffusion on an imageC M T
cv.bilateralTextureFilterximgprocopencv_contribApplies the bilateral texture filter to an imageC M T
cv.covarianceEstimationximgprocopencv_contribComputes the estimated covariance matrix of an image using the sliding window formulationC M T
cv.jointBilateralFilterximgprocopencv_contribApplies the joint bilateral filter to an imageC M T
cv.l0Smoothximgprocopencv_contribGlobal image smoothing via L0 gradient minimizationC M T
cv.niBlackThresholdximgprocopencv_contribPerforms thresholding on input images using Niblack's technique or some of the popular variations it inspiredC M T
cv.rollingGuidanceFilterximgprocopencv_contribApplies the rolling guidance filter to an imageC M T
cv.thinningximgprocopencv_contribApplies a binary blob thinning operation, to achieve a skeletization of the input imageC M T
cv.weightedMedianFilterximgprocopencv_contribApplies weighted median filter to an imageC M T
cv.WBDetectorxobjdetectopencv_contribWaldBoost detector - Object Detection using Boosted FeaturesC M T
cv.GrayworldWBxphotoopencv_contribGray-world white balance algorithmC M T
cv.LearningBasedWBxphotoopencv_contribMore sophisticated learning-based automatic white balance algorithmC M T
cv.SimpleWBxphotoopencv_contribSimple white balance algorithmC M T
cv.applyChannelGainsxphotoopencv_contribImplements an efficient fixed-point approximation for applying channel gains, which is the last step of multiple white balance algorithmsC M T
cv.bm3dDenoisingxphotoopencv_contribPerforms image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithmC M T
cv.dctDenoisingxphotoopencv_contribThe function implements simple dct-based denoisingC M T
cv.inpaint2xphotoopencv_contribThe function implements different single-image inpainting algorithmsC M T