Define operator to perform detection of KeyLines and computation of descriptors in a row
[keylines, descriptors] = obj.detectAndCompute(img)
[...] = obj.detectAndCompute(..., 'OptionName',optionValue, ...)
- img Input image, 8-bit grayscale.
- keylines Extracted lines.
- descriptors Matrix that will store final descriptors.
- Mask Optional mask matrix to select which lines in
must be accepted among the ones extracted (used
when Keylines
option is not empty). Not set by default.
- Keypoints Structure array that contains input lines (when
filled, the detection part will be skipped and input lines
will be passed as input to the algorithm computing
descriptors. So if set, detection phase will be skipped and
only computation of descriptors will be executed, using the
lines provided. Not set by default.
- ReturnFloatDescr Flag (when set to true, original
non-binary descriptors are returned). default false