AKAZE local features matching

In this demo, we will learn how to use AKAZE local features to detect and match keypoints on two images. We will find keypoints on a pair of images with given homography matrix, match them and count the number of inliers (i.e. matches that fit in the given homography).




You can find expanded version of this example here.

We are going to use images 1 and 3 from Graffity sequence of Oxford dataset.

Homography is given by a 3-by-3 matrix shown below.



inlier_threshold = 2.5;  % Distance threshold to identify inliers
nn_match_ratio = 0.8;    % Nearest neighbor

Load grayscale images

fnames = {
    fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'graf1.png')
    fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'graf3.png')
imgs = cell(size(fnames));
for i=1:numel(fnames)
    % downloading if necessary
    if exist(fnames{i}, 'file') ~= 2
        disp('Downloading image...')
        [~,name,ext] = fileparts(fnames{i});
        baseURL = 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/opencv/opencv/3.2.0/samples/data/';
        urlwrite([baseURL, name, ext], fnames{i});
    % read image
    imgs{i} = cv.imread(fnames{i}, 'Grayscale',true);
[img1, img2] = deal(imgs{:});
whos img1 img2
  Name        Size              Bytes  Class    Attributes

  img1      640x800            512000  uint8              
  img2      640x800            512000  uint8              

ground-truth homography

H = [
    7.6285898e-01  -2.9922929e-01   2.2567123e+02
    3.3443473e-01   1.0143901e+00  -7.6999973e+01
    3.4663091e-04  -1.4364524e-05   1.0000000e+00
H =
    0.7629   -0.2992  225.6712
    0.3344    1.0144  -77.0000
    0.0003   -0.0000    1.0000

Detect keypoints and compute descriptors using AKAZE

if true
    name = 'AKAZE';
    akaze = cv.AKAZE();
    [kpts1, desc1] = akaze.detectAndCompute(img1);
    [kpts2, desc2] = akaze.detectAndCompute(img2);
    % requires xfeatures2d from opencv_contrib
    name = 'LATCH';
    orb = cv.ORB('MaxFeatures',10000);
    kpts1 = orb.detect(img1);
    kpts2 = orb.detect(img2);
    latch = cv.LATCH();
    desc1 = latch.compute(img1, kpts1);
    desc2 = latch.compute(img2, kpts2);
whos kpts1 kpts2 desc1 desc2
  Name          Size                Bytes  Class     Attributes

  desc1      2418x61               147498  uint8               
  desc2      2884x61               175924  uint8               
  kpts1         1x2418            1760688  struct              
  kpts2         1x2884            2099936  struct              

Use brute-force matcher to find 2-nn matches. We use Hamming distance, because AKAZE uses binary descriptor by default.

matcher = cv.DescriptorMatcher('BruteForce-Hamming');
matches = matcher.knnMatch(desc1, desc2, 2);
whos matches
  Name         Size                Bytes  Class    Attributes

  matches      1x2418            3211104  cell               

Use 2-nn matches to find correct keypoint matches. If the closest match is ratio closer than the second closest one, then the match is correct.

idx = cellfun(@(m) m(1).distance < nn_match_ratio * m(2).distance, matches);
matches = cellfun(@(m) m(1), matches(idx));
kp1 = kpts1([matches.queryIdx] + 1);
kp2 = kpts2([matches.trainIdx] + 1);
whos matches kp1 kp2
  Name         Size              Bytes  Class     Attributes

  kp1          1x382            278480  struct              
  kp2          1x382            278480  struct              
  matches      1x382            183616  struct              

Check if our matches fit in the homography model. If the distance from first keypoint's projection to the second keypoint is less than threshold, then it it fits in the homography.

pts1 = cat(1, kp1.pt);
pts1(:,3) = 1;
pts1 = (H * pts1.').';
pts1 = bsxfun(@rdivide, pts1(:,1:2), pts1(:,3));
pts2 = cat(1, kp2.pt);
d = sqrt(sum((pts1 - pts2).^2, 2));
idx = d < inlier_threshold;
whos pts1 pts2
fprintf('%d inliers\n', nnz(idx));
  Name        Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

  pts1      382x2              6112  double              
  pts2      382x2              6112  double              

267 inliers

We create a new set of matches for the inliers, because it is required by the drawing function.

kp1_good = kp1(idx);
kp2_good = kp2(idx);
matches_good = matches(idx);
for i=1:numel(matches_good)
    matches_good(i).queryIdx = i-1;
    matches_good(i).trainIdx = i-1;
whos kp1_good kp2_good matches_good
  Name              Size              Bytes  Class     Attributes

  kp1_good          1x267            194760  struct              
  kp2_good          1x267            194760  struct              
  matches_good      1x267            128416  struct              

Show the result

res = cv.drawMatches(img1, kp1_good, img2, kp2_good, matches_good);
imshow(res), title(name)
Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 67% 

Print some statistics

fprintf('%s Matching Results:\n', name);
fprintf('Keypoints 1: %d\n', numel(kpts1));
fprintf('Keypoints 2: %d\n', numel(kpts2));
fprintf('Matches: %d\n', numel(matches));
fprintf('Inliers: %d\n', numel(matches_good));
fprintf('Inliers Ratio: %f\n', numel(matches_good) / numel(matches));
AKAZE Matching Results:
Keypoints 1: 2418
Keypoints 2: 2884
Matches: 382
Inliers: 267
Inliers Ratio: 0.698953
