Back Projection

In this demo, we will learn:




Back Projection is a way of recording how well the pixels of a given image fit the distribution of pixels in a histogram model. To make it simpler, for Back Projection, you calculate the histogram model of a feature and then use it to find this feature in an image. Application example: If you have a histogram of flesh color (say, a Hue-Saturation histogram), then you can use it to find flesh color areas in an image.

We explain how it works by using the skin example. Let's say you have gotten a skin histogram (Hue-Saturation) based on the image below. The histogram besides is going to be our model histogram (which we know represents a sample of skin tonality). You applied some mask to capture only the histogram of the skin area:

Now, let's imagine that you get another hand image (test Image) like the one below, with its respective histogram:

What we want to do is to use our model histogram (that we know represents a skin tonality) to detect skin areas in our test image. Here are the steps


The steps:

The code in this sample doesn't implement the basic version explained above. In fact it improves the process by building a 2D H-S histograms and using cv.floodFill to define a mask for the skin area. For more, you can also checkout the classical camshift sample in camshift_demo_gui.m.

function varargout = backproject_demo_gui()
    % load images (base image and test image)
    imgs = loadImages();

    % create the UI
    h = buildGUI(imgs);
    if nargout > 0, varargout{1} = h; end

Helper functions

function imgs = loadImages()
    %LOADIMAGES  Load source and target images

    % source and target images
    im = {
    imgs = cell(size(im));
    for i=1:numel(im)
        % download if necessary
        [~,name,ext] = fileparts(im{i});
        fname = fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', [name ext]);
        if exist(fname, 'file') ~= 2
            disp('Downloading image...')
            urlwrite(im{i}, fname);
        % load image
        imgs{i} = cv.imread(fname, 'Color',true);
        % upsample, images are a bit small
        s = 1.5;
        imgs{i} = cv.resize(imgs{i}, s, s);

function pt = getSeedPoint(img)
    %GETSEEDPOINT  Prompt user for flood-fill seed point
    % See also: ginput, getpts, impixel, waitforbuttonpress, CurrentPoint

    sz = [size(img,2) size(img,1)];
    pt0 = round(sz/2);
    valid = @(p) ~isempty(p) && all((p(:) > 0) & (p(:) <= sz(:)));

    if ~mexopencv.isOctave()
        % display image, and prompt user for seed point
        fig = figure('Menubar','none', 'WindowStyle','Modal');
        imshow(img), axis on
        title('Select seed point'), xlabel('X'), ylabel('Y')
            while true
                [x,y] = ginput(1);
                pt = round([x y]);
                if valid(pt), break; end
            pt = pt0;
        if ishghandle(fig), close(fig); end
    elseif true
        %HACK: for some reason, Octave never returns from GINPUT in code above
        % fallback to using an input dialog to prompt for seed point
        while true
            str = arrayfun(@num2str, pt0, 'UniformOutput',false);
            str = inputdlg({'seed.x','seed.y'}, 'Seed Point', 1, str);
            pt = str2double(str);
            if valid(pt), break; end
        %pt = pt0;
        pt = [120 100];

function mask = floodFillMask(img, seed, lo, up)
    %FLOODFILLMASK  Flood-fill source image to create mask over object

    % create mask image (padded by 1 pixel in both directions)
    sz = size(img);
    mask = zeros(sz(1:2) + 2, 'uint8');

    % flood-fill the mask image starting at the seed
    [~,~,~,mask] = cv.floodFill(img, seed, [120 120 120], ...
        'Mask',mask, 'MaskOnly',true, 'MaskFillValue',255, ...
        'LoDiff',[lo lo lo], 'UpDiff',[up up up], ...
        'FixedRange',true, 'Connectivity',8);
    mask = mask(2:end-1,2:end-1);

    if true
        % process the mask (morphological closing)
        el = cv.getStructuringElement('Shape','Ellipse', 'KSize',[5 5]);
        mask = cv.morphologyEx(mask, 'Close', 'Element',el);

function [histo, hue] = computeHistogram(img, mask, nbins)
    %COMPUTEHISTOGRAM  Compute hue/saturation histogram

    if nargin < 2, mask = []; end
    if nargin < 3, nbins = [30 32]; end

    % convert source image to HSV colorspace
    imgHSV = cv.cvtColor(img, 'RGB2HSV');
    if nargout > 1
        hue = imgHSV(:,:,1);

    % compute H-S histogram of source image, with mask indicating object
    ranges = {[0 180], [0 256]};
    histo = cv.calcHist(imgHSV, ranges, 'HistSize',nbins, 'Uniform',true, ....
        'Channels',[0 1], 'Mask',mask);

    % normalize it to [0,255] range
    histo = cv.normalize(histo, 'NormType','MinMax', 'Alpha',0, 'Beta',255);

function [prob,mask] = computeBackprojection(img, histo)
    %COMPUTEBACKPROJECTION  Target image backproject

    % convert target image to HSV colorspace
    imgHSV = cv.cvtColor(img, 'RGB2HSV');

    % backproject the target image using source histogram
    ranges = {[0 180], [0 256]};
    prob = cv.calcBackProject(imgHSV, histo, ranges, 'Uniform',true, ...
        'Channels',[0 1]);

    if nargout > 1
        % process backprojection to extract object in target image
        el = cv.getStructuringElement('Shape','Ellipse', 'KSize',[7 7]);
        mask = cv.filter2D(prob, el);
        mask = cv.morphologyEx(mask, 'Close', 'Element',el, 'Iterations',3);
        mask = cv.threshold(mask, 'Otsu');

function out = createOutputImage(img, mask)
    %CREATEOUTPUTIMAGE  Combine image and mask for output

    maskRGB = cv.cvtColor(mask, 'GRAY2RGB');
    if true
        % overlay mask with transparency
        if true
            maskRGB(:,:,3) = 0;
            overlay = cv.bitwise_or(img, maskRGB);
        elseif true
            maskRGB(:,:,3) = 0;
            overlay = cv.copyTo(maskRGB, 'Dest',img, 'Mask',mask);
            mask = logical(mask);
            R = img(:,:,1); R(mask) = 255;
            G = img(:,:,2); G(mask) = 255;
            B = img(:,:,2); B(mask) = 0;
            overlay = cat(3, R, G, B);
        a = 0.4;
        out = cv.addWeighted(overlay,a, img,1-a, 0.0);
    elseif true
        % cut-out mask region
        out = cv.bitwise_and(img, maskRGB);
        % binary mask
        out = maskRGB;

function showHistogram(histo)
    %SHOWHISTOGRAM  Display 2D histogram

    ranges = {[0 180], [0 256]};
    figure, imagesc(histo, 'YData',ranges{1}, 'XData',ranges{2})
    ylabel('Hue'), xlabel('Saturation'), title('H-S histogram')
    colormap gray

function img = drawTitle(img, str)
    %DRAWTITLE  Draw title on output image

    img = cv.putText(img, str, [10 20], ...
        'FontScale',0.5, 'Color',[255 255 0], 'LineType','AA');

function [outSrc, outBackprob, outTarget] = process(h, seed, lo, up)
    %PROCESS  Run algorithm steps

    % flood-fill source image starting at seed to create object mask
    maskSrc = floodFillMask(h.src, seed, lo, up);
    outSrc = createOutputImage(h.src, maskSrc);

    % compute 2D histogram of masked object in source, and backproject target
    histo = computeHistogram(h.src, maskSrc);
    [outBackprob,maskTarget] = computeBackprojection(, histo);
    outTarget = createOutputImage(, maskTarget);

    % overlay titles on output images
    outSrc = drawTitle(outSrc, 'Source');
    outBackprob = drawTitle(outBackprob, 'Backprojection');
    outTarget = drawTitle(outTarget, 'Target');

UI and callbacks

function onType(~,e,h)
    %ONTYPE  Event handler for key press on figure

    switch e.Key
        case {'q', 'escape'}

function onChange(~,~,h)
    %ONCHANGE  Event handler for slider

    % fetch and update threshold values
    lo = round(get(h.slid(1), 'Value'));
    up = round(get(h.slid(2), 'Value'));
    set(h.txt(1), 'String',sprintf('LoDiff: %3d',lo));
    set(h.txt(2), 'String',sprintf('UpDiff: %3d',up));

    % get current seed point
    x = get(h.lin, 'XData');
    y = get(h.lin, 'YData');
    seed = [x(1) y(1)];
    if any(isnan(seed))
        % user didn't specify a seed point yet

    % apply new values and show results
    [outSrc, outBackprob, outTarget] = process(h, seed, lo, up);
    set(h.img(1), 'CData',outSrc);
    set(h.img(2), 'CData',outBackprob);
    set(h.img(3), 'CData',outTarget);

function onClick(~,~,h)
    %ONCLICK  Event handler for button

    % prompt user for a new seed point in source image
    seed = getSeedPoint(h.src);
    set(h.lin, 'XData',seed(1), 'YData',seed(2));
    set(h.txt(3), 'String',sprintf('x=%d, y=%d',seed));

    % get current threshold values
    lo = round(get(h.slid(1), 'Value'));
    up = round(get(h.slid(2), 'Value'));

    % apply new values and show results
    [outSrc, outBackprob, outTarget] = process(h, seed, lo, up);
    set(h.img(1), 'CData',outSrc);
    set(h.img(2), 'CData',outBackprob);
    set(h.img(3), 'CData',outTarget);

function h = buildGUI(imgs)
    %BUILDGUI  Creates the UI

    % vis props
    sz = cellfun(@size, imgs, 'UniformOutput',false);
    sz = cat(1, sz{:});
    H = max(sz(:,1));
    W = sz(1,2) + sz(2,2)*2;

    % flood-fill options (seed and low/high thresholds)
    seed = [0 0];
    lo = 20;
    up = 20;

    % overlay titles
    img2 = zeros(size(imgs{2},1), size(imgs{2},2), 'uint8');
    img1 = drawTitle(imgs{1}, 'Source');
    img2 = drawTitle(img2, 'Backprojection');
    img3 = drawTitle(imgs{2}, 'Target');

    % build the user interface (no resizing to keep it simple)
    h = struct();
    h.src = imgs{1}; = imgs{2};
    h.fig = figure('Name','Backpoject Demo', 'NumberTitle','off', ...
        'Menubar','none', 'Resize','off', 'Position',[200 200 W H+60-1]);
    if ~mexopencv.isOctave()
        %HACK: not implemented in Octave
        movegui(h.fig, 'center');
    end = axes('Parent',h.fig, ...
        'Units','pixels', 'Position',[1 60 sz(1,2) sz(1,1)]); = axes('Parent',h.fig, ...
        'Units','pixels', 'Position',[sz(1,2)+1 60 sz(2,2) sz(2,1)]); = axes('Parent',h.fig, ...
        'Units','pixels', 'Position',[sz(1,2)+sz(2,2)+1 60 sz(2,2) sz(2,1)]);
    if ~mexopencv.isOctave()
        h.img(1) = imshow(img1, 'Parent',;
        h.img(2) = imshow(img2, 'Parent',;
        h.img(3) = imshow(img3, 'Parent',;
        axes(; h.img(1) = imshow(img1);
        axes(; h.img(2) = imshow(img2);
        axes(; h.img(3) = imshow(img3);
    opts = {'FontSize',11, 'HorizontalAlignment','right'};
    h.lin = line(NaN, NaN, 'Parent',, 'Color','g', ...
        'LineWidth',2, 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','x', 'MarkerSize',10);
    h.but = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','pushbutton', ...
        'Position',[5 30 80 20], 'String','New Seed');
    h.txt(1) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','text', opts{:}, ...
        'Position',[90 5 80 20], 'String',sprintf('LoDiff: %3d',lo));
    h.txt(2) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','text', opts{:}, ...
        'Position',[90 30 80 20], 'String',sprintf('UpDiff: %3d',up));
    h.txt(3) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','text', 'FontSize',8, ...
        'Position',[5 5 80 20], 'Enable','off', ...
        'String',sprintf('x=%d, y=%d',seed));
    h.slid(1) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','slider', 'Value',lo, ...
        'Min',0, 'Max',255, 'SliderStep',[1 10]./(255-0), ...
        'Position',[170 5 W-170-5 20]);
    h.slid(2) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','slider', 'Value',up, ...
        'Min',0, 'Max',255, 'SliderStep',[1 10]./(255-0), ...
        'Position',[170 30 W-170-5 20]);

    % hook event handlers
    opts = {'Interruptible','off', 'BusyAction','cancel'};
    set(h.fig, 'WindowKeyPressFcn',{@onType,h}, opts{:});
    set(h.slid, 'Callback',{@onChange,h}, opts{:});
    set(h.but, 'Callback',{@onClick,h}, opts{:});