
In this demo, we learn about Meanshift and Camshift algorithms to find and track objects in videos.

This is a demo that shows mean-shift based tracking. You select a color objects such as your face and it tracks it. It reads from video camera by default.




The intuition behind the meanshift is simple. Consider you have a set of points. (It can be a pixel distribution like histogram backprojection). You are given a small window (may be a circle) and you have to move that window to the area of maximum pixel density (or maximum number of points). It is illustrated in the simple image given below:

The initial window is shown in blue circle with the name "C1". Its original center is marked in blue rectangle, named "C1_o". But if you find the centroid of the points inside that window, you will get the point "C1_r" (marked in small blue circle) which is the real centroid of window. Surely they don't match. So move your window such that circle of the new window matches with previous centroid. Again find the new centroid. Most probably, it won't match. So move it again, and continue the iterations such that center of window and its centroid falls on the same location (or with a small desired error). So finally what you obtain is a window with maximum pixel distribution. It is marked with green circle, named "C2". As you can see in image, it has maximum number of points. The whole process is demonstrated on a static image below:

So we normally pass the histogram backprojected image and initial target location. When the object moves, obviously the movement is reflected in histogram backprojected image. As a result, meanshift algorithm moves our window to the new location with maximum density.

To use meanshift in OpenCV, first we need to setup the target, find its histogram so that we can backproject the target on each frame for calculation of meanshift. We also need to provide initial location of window. For histogram, only Hue is considered here. Also, to avoid false values due to low light, low light values are discarded using cv.inRange function.


There is a problem with the approach described above. The window always has the same size even when the tracked object moves farther away or very close to the camera. That is not good. We need to adapt the window size with size and rotation of the target. Once again, the solution came from "OpenCV Labs" and it is called CAMshift (Continuously Adaptive Meanshift) published by Gary Bradsky in his paper "Computer Vision Face Tracking for Use in a Perceptual User Interface" in 1988.

It applies meanshift first. Once meanshift converges, it updates the size of the window as, $s = 2 \times \sqrt{\frac{M_{00}}{256}}$. It also calculates the orientation of best fitting ellipse to it. Again it applies the meanshift with new scaled search window and previous window location. The process is continued until required accuracy is met.

In OpenCV, camshift is almost same as meanshift, but it returns a rotated rectangle (that is our result) and box parameters (used to be passed as search window in next iteration).

For additional resources, see:


function varargout = camshift_demo_gui(varargin)
    % setup video capture
    cap = createVideoCapture([], 'cube');
    assert(cap.isOpened(), 'Could not initialize capturing');
    frame =;
    assert(~isempty(frame) && size(frame,3)==3 && isa(frame,'uint8'));

    % program state
    app = appState(); = size(frame);
    app.hsz = [200 3];

    % create the UI, and hook event handlers
    h = buildGUI(frame, app);
    opts = {'Interruptible','off', 'BusyAction','cancel'};
    set(h.slid, 'Callback',@onChange, opts{:});
    set(h.fig, 'WindowKeyPressFcn',@onType, ...
        'WindowButtonDownFcn',@onMouseDown, opts{:});
    onType([], struct('Key','e'));

    if nargout > 0, varargout{1} = h; end
    if nargout > 1, varargout{2} = app; end

    % main loop
    while ishghandle(h.fig)
        % get next frame
        frame =;
        if isempty(frame), break; end
        out = frame;

        % extract hue channel, and range-threshold in HSV colorspace
        frameHSV = cv.cvtColor(frame, 'RGB2HSV');
        hue = frameHSV(:,:,1);
        mask = cv.inRange(frameHSV, ...
            [0 app.smin min(app.vmin,app.vmax)], ...
            [180 255 max(app.vmin,app.vmax)]);
        mask = uint8(mask * 255);  % logical -> uint8 (for bitwise ops)

        % process mouse selection (during onMouseMove and onMouseUp)
        if ~isempty(app.rct) && cv.Rect.area(app.rct) > 0
            % compute and display hue histogram of selection
            [app.histo, histimg] = computeHistogram(hue, mask, app.rct, app);
            set(h.img(1), 'CData',histimg);

            % highlight selection region
            out = drawSelection(out, app.rct);

        % mask-out output using HSV thresholding result
        if app.threshView || ~isempty(app.rct)
            out = cv.bitwise_and(out, uint8(255), 'Mask',mask);

        % check if the rectangle selection was fully made
        if ~isempty(
            % clear mouse selection once onMouseUp is triggered
            app.rct = [];

            % perform CAMShift to track object using its histogram
            backproj = cv.calcBackProject(hue, app.histo, {[0 180]}, 'Uniform',true);
            backproj = cv.bitwise_and(backproj, mask);
            [rbox,] = cv.CamShift(backproj,, 'Criteria',app.crit);

            % expand search window if it gets too small
            if cv.Rect.area( <= 1
                r = (min( + 5) / 6;
       = cv.Rect.from2points( - r, + r);
       = cv.Rect.intersect(, [0 0]);

            % switch to backproject probability instead of frame as output
            if app.backprojView
                out = cv.cvtColor(backproj, 'GRAY2RGB');

            % draw location of tracked object
            out = cv.ellipse(out, rbox, ...
                'Color',[0 0 255], 'Thickness',3, 'LineType','AA');

        % show output
        set(h.img(2), 'CData',out);
        drawnow limitrate;
    cap.release();  % release video source

Callback functions

User draws box around object to track. This triggers CAMShift to start tracking

    function onMouseDown(~,~)
        %ONMOUSEDOWN  Event handler for mouse down on figure

        % start selection
        onClear();   % clear any previous trackig
        app.pt0 = getCurrentPoint(;
        app.rct = [app.pt0 0 0];

        % attach event handlers, and change mouse pointer
        set(h.fig, 'Pointer','cross', ...
            'WindowButtonMotionFcn',@onMouseMove, ...

    function onMouseMove(~,~)
        %ONMOUSEMOVE  Event handler for mouse move on figure

        % update selection rectangle
        p = getCurrentPoint(;
        app.rct = cv.Rect.from2points(app.pt0, p);
        app.rct = cv.Rect.intersect(app.rct, [0 0]);

    function onMouseUp(~,~)
        %ONMOUSEUP  Event handler for mouse up on figure

        % detach event handlers, and restore mouse pointer
        set(h.fig, 'Pointer','arrow', ...
            'WindowButtonMotionFcn','', ...

        % finish selection
        app.pt0 = [];
        if cv.Rect.area(app.rct) > 0
            % tracking is now activate in main loop
   = app.rct;
            % ignore selection
            app.rct = [];

    function onChange(~,~)
        %ONCHANGE  Event handler for UI controls

        % retrieve current values from UI controls
        app.vmin = round(get(h.slid(1), 'Value'));
        app.vmax = round(get(h.slid(2), 'Value'));
        app.smin = round(get(h.slid(3), 'Value'));
        set(h.txt(1), 'String',sprintf('Vmin: %3d',app.vmin));
        set(h.txt(2), 'String',sprintf('Vmax: %3d',app.vmax));
        set(h.txt(3), 'String',sprintf('Smin: %3d',app.smin));

    function onType(~,e)
        %ONTYPE  Event handler for key press on figure

        % handle keys
        switch e.Key
            case 'h'
                    'To initialize tracking, select the object with mouse.'
                    'Hot keys:'
                    'h - this help dialog'
                    'q - quit the program'
                    'f - initialize tracking by auto-detecting face'
                    'c - clear the tracking'
                    'b - toggle backprojection probability view'
                    't - toggle threshold mask view'

            case {'q', 'escape'}

            case 'f'
                img = get(h.img(2), 'CData');  %TODO
                rct = findFace(img);
                if ~isempty(rct)
                    app.rct = rct;
           = rct;
                    disp('No face detected')

            case {'c', 'add', 'subtract'}
                if strcmp(e.Character, '+')
                    app.nbins = min(app.nbins + 1, 180);
                elseif strcmp(e.Character, '-')
                    app.nbins = max(app.nbins - 1, 2);

            case 'b'
                app.backprojView = ~app.backprojView;

            case 't'
                app.threshView = ~app.threshView;

    function onClear()
        %ONCLEAR  Clear tracking

        % clear tracked object
        app.rct = []; = [];
        app.histo = zeros([app.nbins 1], 'single');

        % redraw histogram
        histimg = drawHistogram(app.histo, app.hsz);
        set(h.img(1), 'CData',histimg);

Helper functions

function app = appState()
    %APPSTATE  Returns initial program state

    app = struct();
    app.pt0 = [];              % mouse selection origin point
    app.rct = [];              % mouse selection rectangle = [];              % camshift search window
    app.crit = struct('type','Count+EPS', 'maxCount',10, 'epsilon',1);  % camshift termination
    app.smin = 60;             % lower saturation threshold (HSV)
    app.vmin = 32;             % lower value threshold (HSV)
    app.vmax = 255;            % upper value threshold (HSV)
    app.nbins = 16;            % histogram size (number of bins)
    app.histo = zeros([app.nbins 1], 'single');  % hue histogram of tracked object
    app.backprojView = false;  % whether to display frame or backproj
    app.threshView = true;     % whether to display thresholded frame

function rct = findFace(img)
    %FINDFACE  Detect biggest face in image

    xmlfile = fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml');
    classifier = cv.CascadeClassifier(xmlfile);
    gray = cv.cvtColor(img, 'RGB2GRAY');
    gray = cv.equalizeHist(gray);
    boxes = classifier.detect(gray);
    if ~isempty(boxes)
        %TODO: we can further improve this by detecting nose within face,
        % as it provides more accurate measure of skin tone with less
        % background pixels
        [~,idx] = max(cellfun(@(b) cv.Rect.area(b), boxes));
        rct = boxes{idx};
        rct = [];

function [histo, histimg] = computeHistogram(hue, mask, rct, app)
    %COMPUTEHISTOGRAM  Compute hue channel histogram

    % crop to selection rectangle
    roi = cv.Rect.crop(hue, rct);
    maskroi = cv.Rect.crop(mask, rct);

    % compute normalized hue histogram
    histo = cv.calcHist(roi, {[0 180]}, 'HistSize',app.nbins, ...
        'Uniform',true, 'Mask',maskroi);
    histo = cv.normalize(histo, 'Alpha',0, 'Beta',255, 'NormType','MinMax');

    if nargout > 1
        % draw histogram (bar chart)
        histimg = drawHistogram(histo, app.hsz);

function histimg = drawHistogram(histo, hsz)
    %DRAWHISTORGRAM  Draw 1D histogram

    % output image
    histimg = zeros(hsz, 'uint8');
    nbins = numel(histo);
    binW = hsz(2) / nbins;

    %clr = uint8(hsv(nbins) * 255);
    clr = zeros([nbins 1 3], 'uint8');
    clr(:,1) = uint8(linspace(0,180,nbins));
    clr(:,2:3) = 255;
    clr = cv.cvtColor(clr, 'HSV2RGB');
    clr = permute(clr, [1 3 2]);

    % draw bars
    for i=1:nbins
        val = round(histo(i)/255 * hsz(1));
        histimg = cv.rectangle(histimg, ...
            [(i-1)*binW, hsz(1)], [i*binW, hsz(1) - val], ...
            'Color',clr(i,:), 'Thickness','Filled');

    % show number of bins
    histimg = cv.putText(histimg, sprintf('nbins = %2d', nbins), [10 20], ...
        'FontScale',0.5, 'Color',[255 255 255], 'LineType','AA');

function out = drawSelection(out, rct)
    %DRAWSELECTION  Draw selection rectangle

    if true
        % invert selection region
        rctmask = zeros(size(out,1), size(out,2), 'uint8');
        rctmask = cv.rectangle(rctmask, rct, 'Color',255, 'Thickness','Filled');
        out = cv.bitwise_not(out, 'Dest',out, 'Mask',rctmask);
        % draw rectangle around selection region
        out = cv.rectangle(out, rct, 'Color',[0 255 0], 'Thickness',2);

function p = getCurrentPoint(ax)
    %GETCURRENTPOINT  Retrieve current mouse location

    p = get(ax, 'CurrentPoint');
    p = p(1,1:2) - 1;

function h = buildGUI(img, app)
    %BUILDGUI  Creates the UI

    % parameters
    histimg = drawHistogram(app.histo, app.hsz);
    hsz = app.hsz;
    sz =;
    sz(2) = max(sz(2), 250);  % minimum figure width
    hsz(2) = sz(2);

    % build the user interface (no resizing to keep it simple)
    h = struct();
    h.fig = figure('Name','CAMShift', 'NumberTitle','off', 'Menubar','none', ...
        'Resize','off', 'Position',[200 200 sz(2) sz(1)+hsz(1)+80-1]);
    if ~mexopencv.isOctave()
        %HACK: not implemented in Octave
        movegui(h.fig, 'center');
    end = axes('Parent',h.fig, ...
        'Units','pixels', 'Position',[1 80 sz(2) hsz(1)]); = axes('Parent',h.fig, ...
        'Units','pixels', 'Position',[1 hsz(1)+80 sz(2) sz(1)]);
    if ~mexopencv.isOctave()
        h.img(1) = imshow(histimg, 'Parent',;
        h.img(2) = imshow(img, 'Parent',;
        h.img(1) = imshow(histimg);
        h.img(2) = imshow(img);
    h.txt(1) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','text', ...
        'Position',[5 5 130 20], 'FontSize',11, ...
        'String',sprintf('Vmin: %3d',app.vmin));
    h.txt(2) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','text', ...
        'Position',[5 30 130 20], 'FontSize',11, ...
        'String',sprintf('Vmax: %3d',app.vmax));
    h.txt(3) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','text', ...
        'Position',[5 55 130 20], 'FontSize',11, ...
        'String',sprintf('Smin: %3d',app.smin));
    h.slid(1) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','slider', ...
        'Position',[135 5 sz(2)-135-5 20], 'Value',app.vmin, ...
        'Min',0, 'Max',255, 'SliderStep',[1 10]./255);
    h.slid(2) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','slider', ...
        'Position',[135 30 sz(2)-135-5 20], 'Value',app.vmax, ...
        'Min',0, 'Max',255, 'SliderStep',[1 10]./255);
    h.slid(3) = uicontrol('Parent',h.fig, 'Style','slider', ...
        'Position',[135 55 sz(2)-135-5 20], 'Value',app.smin, ...
        'Min',0, 'Max',255, 'SliderStep',[1 10]./255);