Corner Detection

In this demo we will understand concepts behind Harris Corner Detection, by learning what features are and why they are important, and how to use the function cv.cornerHarris to detect corners using the Harris-Stephens method. We also learn about another corner detector, the Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector, and how to use the function cv.goodFeaturesToTrack.

In addition, we show how to:




In computer vision, usually we need to find matching points between different frames of an environment. Why? If we know how two images relate to each other, we can use both images to extract information of them. When we say matching points we are referring, in a general sense, to characteristics in the scene that we can recognize easily. We call these characteristics features. So, what characteristics should a feature have? It must be uniquely recognizable.

To mention a few image features:

In this tutorial we will study the corner features, specifically.

Why is a corner so special? Because, since it is the intersection of two edges, it represents a point in which the directions of these two edges change. Hence, the gradient of the image (in both directions) have a high variation, which can be used to detect it.

To see how it works, let's look for corners. Since corners represents a variation in the gradient in the image, we will look for this "variation". Consider a grayscale image $I$. We are going to sweep a window $w(x,y)$ over $I$ (with displacements $u$ in the x direction and $v$ in the y direction) and will calculate the variation of intensity.

$$E(u,v) = \sum_{x,y} w(x,y)[ I(x+u,y+v) - I(x,y)]^{2}$$


Since we are looking for windows with corners, we are looking for windows with a large variation in intensity. Hence, we have to maximize the equation above, specifically the term:

$$\sum_{x,y}[ I(x+u,y+v) - I(x,y)]^{2}$$

Using Taylor expansion:

$$E(u,v) \approx \sum_{x,y}[ I(x,y) + u I_{x} + vI_{y} - I(x,y)]^{2}$$

Here, $I_x$ and $I_y$ are image derivatives in x and y directions respectively (can be easily found out using cv.Sobel).

Expanding the equation and cancelling properly:

$$E(u,v) \approx \sum_{x,y} u^{2}I_{x}^{2} + 2uvI_{x}I_{y} + v^{2}I_{y}^{2}$$

Which can be expressed in a matrix form as:

$$E(u,v) \approx
      \left[{\matrix{ u & v }}\right]
          \displaystyle \sum_{x,y} w(x,y)
              I_x^{2} & I_{x}I_{y} \cr
              I_xI_{y} & I_{y}^{2}
      \left[{\matrix{ u \cr v }}\right]$$

Let's denote:

$$M = \displaystyle \sum_{x,y} w(x,y)
          I_x^{2} & I_{x}I_{y} \cr
          I_xI_{y} & I_{y}^{2}

So, our equation now is:

$$E(u,v) \approx
      \left[{\matrix{ u & v }}\right]
      \left[{\matrix{ u \cr v }}\right]$$

A score is calculated for each window, to determine if it can possibly contain a corner:

$$R = det(M) - k(trace(M))^{2}$$


a window with a score $R$ greater than a certain value is considered a "corner".

So the values of these eigen values decide whether a region is corner, edge or flat:

It can be represented in a nice picture as follows:

So the result of Harris Corner Detection is a grayscale image with these scores. Thresholding for a suitable give you the corners in the image.

A modification was later made in 1994 by J. Shi and C. Tomasi it in their paper "Good Features to Track" which showed better results compared to the Harris Corner Detector. The scoring function in Harris Corner Detector was given by:

$$R = \lambda_1 \lambda_2 - k(\lambda_1+\lambda_2)^2$$

Instead of this, Shi-Tomasi proposed:

$$R = min(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)$$

If it is greater than a threshold value, it is considered as a corner. If we plot it in $\lambda_1 - \lambda_2$ space as we did in Harris Corner Detector, we get an image as below:

From the figure, you can see that only when $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ are above a minimum value, $\lambda_{min}$, it is conidered as a corner (green region).


OpenCV has a function, cv.goodFeaturesToTrack. It finds N strongest corners in the image by Shi-Tomasi method (or Harris Corner Detection, if you specify it). As usual, image should be a grayscale image. Then you specify number of corners you want to find. Then you specify the quality level, which is a value between 0-1, which denotes the minimum quality of corner below which everyone is rejected. Then we provide the minimum euclidean distance between corners detected.

With all these informations, the function finds corners in the image. All corners below quality level are rejected. Then it sorts the remaining corners based on quality in the descending order. Then function takes first strongest corner, throws away all the nearby corners in the range of minimum distance and returns N strongest corners.

This function is a good choice for tracking applications.



blockSz = 3;
apertureSz = 3;
k = 0.04;
qualityLevel = 50;  % pick a value in the [1,100] range

Params for drawing circles

opts = {3, 'Color',[255 0 0], 'Thickness','Filled'};
params = {'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',8, 'Color','r'};

Load source image and convert it to gray

src = cv.imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','blox.jpg'), 'Color',true);
gray = cv.cvtColor(src, 'RGB2GRAY');

cv.cornerEigenValsAndVecs, cv.cornerMinEigenVal

We will implement the steps of Harris and Shi-Tomasi corner detectors by computing eigenvalues/eigenvectors of the Harris matrix (covariance matrix of image partial derivatives in local neighborhoods)

ev_Harris = cv.cornerEigenValsAndVecs(gray, 'BlockSize',blockSz, 'KSize',apertureSz);
ev_ShiTomasi = cv.cornerMinEigenVal(gray, 'BlockSize',blockSz, 'KSize',apertureSz);

Calculate Harris corner response measure: Mc = lambda1*lambda2 - k*(lambda1 + lambda2)^2

Mc_Harris = prod(ev_Harris(:,:,1:2), 3) - k * sum(ev_Harris(:,:,1:2), 3).^2;

Shi-Tomasi corner response measure: Mc = min(lambda1, lambda2)

Mc_ShiTomasi = min(ev_Harris(:,:,1:2), [], 3);
err = norm(abs(ev_ShiTomasi - Mc_ShiTomasi))  % output of cv.cornerMinEigenVal
err =

Classify image pixels by thresholding the corner response

mnH = min(Mc_Harris(:));
mxH = max(Mc_Harris(:));
mnST = min(Mc_ShiTomasi(:));
mxST = max(Mc_ShiTomasi(:));

% find locatiosn where response is above threshold
mask_Harris = Mc_Harris > (mnH + (mxH - mnH)*qualityLevel/100);
mask_ShiTomasi = Mc_ShiTomasi > (mnST + (mxST - mnST)*qualityLevel/100);

Corresponding corner locations

sz = size(Mc_Harris);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:sz(2), 1:sz(1));
pts_Harris = [X(mask_Harris) Y(mask_Harris)];
pts_ShiTomasi = [X(mask_ShiTomasi) Y(mask_ShiTomasi)];

Draw circles around corners and show results

out =, pts_Harris, opts{:});
subplot(121), imshow(out), title('My Harris')
out =, pts_ShiTomasi, opts{:});
subplot(122), imshow(out), title('My Shi-Tomasi')

Show corner response maps

subplot(121), imshow(Mc_Harris, []), title('Harris response')
line(pts_Harris(:,1), pts_Harris(:,2), params{:})
subplot(122), imshow(Mc_ShiTomasi, []), title('Shi-Tomasi response')
line(pts_ShiTomasi(:,1), pts_ShiTomasi(:,2), params{:})


Compare against builtin function, note that "quality level" is interpreterd a bit differently, plus the implementation does additional processing (non-max suppression)

ptsH = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, 'UseHarrisDetector',true, 'K',k, ...
    'QualityLevel',qualityLevel/100, 'BlockSize',blockSz);
ptsST = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, 'UseHarrisDetector',false, ...
    'QualityLevel',qualityLevel/100, 'BlockSize',blockSz);
ptsH = cat(1, ptsH{:});
ptsST = cat(1, ptsST{:});

Draw corners

out =, ptsH, opts{:});
subplot(121), imshow(out), title('Harris corner detector')
out =, ptsST, opts{:});
subplot(122), imshow(out), title('Shi-Tomasi corner detector')


Compare against builtin function

Mc = cv.cornerHarris(gray, 'K',k, 'BlockSize',blockSz, 'KSize',apertureSz);
err = norm(abs(Mc_Harris - Mc))
err =

Another example of thresholding response map to find corners

mask = cv.dilate(Mc) > 0.01*max(Mc(:));
out = src(:,:,1);
out(mask) = 255;
out = cat(3, out, src(:,:,2:3));
figure(4), imshow(out), title('Harris corners')