K-Means Clustering

An example on K-means clustering.

This program demonstrates kmeans clustering. It generates an image with random points, then assigns a random number of cluster centers and uses kmeans to move those cluster centers to their representitive location.




We will explain with an example which is commonly used, the T-shirt size problem.

Consider a company, which is going to release a new model of T-shirt to market. Obviously they will have to manufacture models in different sizes to satisfy people of all sizes. So the company make a data of people's height and weight, and plot them on to a graph, as below:

Company can't create t-shirts with all the sizes. Instead, they divide people to Small, Medium and Large, and manufacture only these 3 models which will fit into all the people. This grouping of people into three groups can be done by k-means clustering, and algorithm provides us best 3 sizes, which will satisfy all the people. And if it doesn't, company can divide people to more groups, may be five, and so on. Check image below :

This algorithm is an iterative process. We will explain it step-by-step with the help of images.

Consider a set of data as below (you can consider it as t-shirt problem). We need to cluster this data into two groups.

Step 1: Algorithm randomly chooses two centroids, $C1$ and $C2$ (sometimes, any two data are taken as the centroids).

Step 2: It calculates the distance from each point to both centroids. If a test data is more closer to $C1$, then that data is labelled with 0. If it is closer to $C2$, then labelled as 1 (If more centroids are there, labelled as 2,|3| etc).

In our case, we will color all 0 labelled with red, and 1 labelled with blue. So we get following image after above operations.

Step 3: Next we calculate the average of all blue points and red points separately and that will be our new centroids. That is $C1$ and $C2$ shift to newly calculated centroids. (Remember, the images shown are not true values and not to true scale, it is just for demonstration only).

And again, perform step 2 with new centroids and label data to 0 and 1. So we get result as below :

Now step 2 and 3 are iterated until both centroids are converged to fixed points. (Or it may be stopped depending on the criteria we provide, like maximum number of iterations, or a specific accuracy is reached etc.). These points are such that sum of distances between test data and their corresponding centroids are minimum. Or simply, sum of distances between $C1 \leftrightarrow Red\_Points$ and $C2 \leftrightarrow Blue\_Points$ is minimum.

$$J = \sum_{All\: Red\_Points} distance(C1,Red\_Point) +
      \sum_{All\: Blue\_Points} distance(C2,Blue\_Point)$$

Final result almost looks like below :

So this is just an intuitive understanding of K-Means Clustering. For more details and mathematical explanation, please read any standard machine learning textbooks or check the links below. It is just a top layer of K-Means clustering. There are a lot of modifications to this algorithm like, how to choose the initial centroids, how to speed up the iteration process, etc.


% parameters
colorTab = [...
    0,   0, 255 ;
    0, 255,   0 ;
  255, 100, 100 ;
  255,   0, 255 ;
    0, 255, 255

% image on which to draw points
sz = [200 300];  % height/width, rows/cols
img = zeros([sz, 3], 'uint8');

% seed RNG for reproducible results
try, rng('default'); end


choose number of samples and clusters

sampleCount = randi([1 1000]);
clusterCount = min(randi([2 MAX_CLUSTERS]), sampleCount);

generate random samples from multigaussian distribution

points = zeros([sampleCount,2], 'single');
idx = fix(linspace(1, sampleCount+1, clusterCount+1));
for i=1:numel(idx)-1
    center = [randi([0, sz(2)]) randi([0, sz(1)])];
    sigma = diag([sz(2) sz(1)]).*0.4;
    points(idx(i):idx(i+1)-1,:) = mvnrnd(center, sigma, idx(i+1)-idx(i));

show true labels

if mexopencv.isOctave()
    %HACK: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?45497
    L = repelems(1:(numel(idx)-1), [1:(numel(idx)-1); diff(idx)]);
    %HACK: GSCATTER not implemented in Octave
    scatter(points(:,1), points(:,2), [], L)
    L = repelem(1:(numel(idx)-1), diff(idx));
    gscatter(points(:,1), points(:,2), L)
axis square equal ij
axis([1 sz(2) 1 sz(1)])


shuffle points

points = points(randperm(sampleCount),:);

cluster points

[labels,centers,compactness] = cv.kmeans(points, clusterCount, ...
    'Criteria',struct('type','Count+EPS', 'maxCount',10, 'epsilon',0.1), ...
    'Attempts',3, 'Initialization','PP');
centers =
  5×2 single matrix
  265.1030  143.7113
   50.0097   21.1157
   38.3347  182.2368
  123.8976   40.6695
  182.8743   78.8241

compactness measure of clusters

%compactness = cv.norm(points, centers(labels+1,:), 'NormType','L2Sqr');
fprintf('Compactness = %f\n', compactness);
Compactness = 161486.122233

show clusters

img(:) = 0;
for i=1:sampleCount
    clusterIdx = labels(i)+1;
    img = cv.circle(img, points(i,:), 2, ...
        'Color',colorTab(clusterIdx,:), ...
        'Thickness','Filled', 'LineType','AA');
for i=1:clusterCount
    img = cv.circle(img, centers(i,:), 40, 'Color',colorTab(i,:), ...
        'Thickness',1, 'LineType','AA');
figure, imshow(img), title('clusters')