
OCR of hand-written digits using HoG and SVM

In this tutorial, we will build an SVM classifer to recognize hand-written digits (0 to 9), using Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) as feature vectors.

For additional resources, see this HoG video lecture.


function svm_hog_ocr_digits_demo()


Load MNIST handwritten digits (5000 images) (params in this demo are hardcoded assuming 20x20 images)

    [imgs, labels, img] = load_mnist_digits();
    assert(numel(imgs)==5000 && isequal(size(imgs{1}),[20 20]));

Show a portion of the big image


Show a sample of an image before and after deskew is applied

    subplot(121), imshow(imgs{1}), title('original')
    subplot(122), imshow(deskew(imgs{1})), title('deskewed')


choose an HoG implementation to use: OpenCV, MATLAB, or a simple custom one

    HOG_ALG = 'opencv';
    HOG_ALG = validatestring(HOG_ALG, {'custom', 'matlab', 'opencv'});

HoG features are stored in a matrix, one row per image

    switch HOG_ALG
        case 'custom'
            nbins = 16;          % number of bins to quantize gradient angles
            nfeats = 4 * nbins;  % feature length
        case 'matlab'
            opts = {'CellSize',[10 10], 'BlockSize',[2 2], ...
                'NumBins',9, 'UseSignedOrientation',true};
            nfeats = numel(extractHOGFeatures(imgs{1}, opts{:}));
        case 'opencv'
            % create HOG object
            opts = {'WinSize',[20 20], 'BlockSize',[10 10], ...
                'BlockStride',[5 5], 'CellSize',[10 10], ...
                'NBins',9, 'SignedGradient',true};
            %opts = [opts, 'GammaCorrection',false];
            hog = cv.HOGDescriptor(opts{:});
            nfeats = numel(hog.compute(imgs{1}));
    descs = zeros(numel(imgs), nfeats, 'single');
hog = 
  HOGDescriptor with properties:

                   id: 4
              WinSize: [20 20]
            BlockSize: [10 10]
          BlockStride: [5 5]
             CellSize: [10 10]
                NBins: 9
        DerivAperture: 1
             WinSigma: -1
    HistogramNormType: 'L2Hys'
       L2HysThreshold: 0.2000
      GammaCorrection: 0
              NLevels: 64
       SignedGradient: 1
          SvmDetector: [1×0 single]

Process images and compute HOG descriptors for each

    for i=1:numel(imgs)
        % deskew image
        img = deskew(imgs{i});
        %img = cv.threshold(img, 'Otsu');

        % compute HOG descriptors flattened as a vector
        switch HOG_ALG
            case 'custom'
                descs(i,:) = my_hog(img, nbins);
            case 'matlab'
                descs(i,:) = extractHOGFeatures(img, opts{:});
            case 'opencv'
                d = hog.compute(img).'; % returns a matrix, one row per window
                descs(i,:) = d(:);
Elapsed time is 3.625383 seconds.


Create multi-class linear SVM classifier

    svm = cv.SVM();
    svm.Type = 'C_SVC';
    svm.KernelType = 'Linear';
    svm.C = 0.5;  % or do a trainAuto grid search to find optimal C
svm = 
  SVM with properties:

              id: 6
            Type: 'C_SVC'
      KernelType: 'Linear'
          Degree: 0
           Gamma: 1
           Coef0: 0
               C: 0.5000
              Nu: 0
               P: 0
    ClassWeights: []
    TermCriteria: [1×1 struct]

split data samples and corresponding labels

    labels = int32(labels(:));
    N = 2500;  % fix(numel(labels)/2)
    whos descs labels
    if ~mexopencv.isOctave() && mexopencv.require('stats')
        % train/test split
  Name           Size              Bytes  Class     Attributes

  descs       5000x81            1620000  single              
  labels      5000x1               20000  int32               

  Value    Count   Percent
      0      250     10.00%
      1      250     10.00%
      2      250     10.00%
      3      250     10.00%
      4      250     10.00%
      5      250     10.00%
      6      250     10.00%
      7      250     10.00%
      8      250     10.00%
      9      250     10.00%
  Value    Count   Percent
      0      250     10.00%
      1      250     10.00%
      2      250     10.00%
      3      250     10.00%
      4      250     10.00%
      5      250     10.00%
      6      250     10.00%
      7      250     10.00%
      8      250     10.00%
      9      250     10.00%

use half as training data

    svm.train(descs(1:N,:), labels(1:N));
Elapsed time is 0.088898 seconds.

the other half for testing

    yhat = svm.predict(descs(N+1:end,:));
Elapsed time is 0.006316 seconds.

performance on test set

    acc = nnz(yhat == labels(N+1:end));
    confmat = accumarray([labels(N+1:end), yhat]+1, 1);
    fprintf('Accuracy = %f%%\n', (acc/N)*100);
confmat =
   249     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0
     0   246     1     1     0     0     0     2     0     0
     0     1   236     8     1     0     0     4     0     0
     0     0     0   242     0     0     0     5     2     1
     0     0     0     0   245     0     0     0     0     5
     0     0     0     0     0   249     0     0     1     0
     0     0     1     0     0     0   249     0     0     0
     0     1     5     1     0     0     0   239     2     2
     0     1     1     1     0     2     2     0   241     2
     0     1     0     0     0     1     0     8     0   240
Accuracy = 97.440000%

Show some of the wrong predictions

    idx = (yhat ~= labels(N+1:end));
    fprintf('Number of wrong predictions = %d / %d\n', nnz(idx), N);
    idx = find(idx, 3*3, 'first');
    for i=1:numel(idx)
        ii = idx(i);
        subplot(3,3,i), imshow(imgs{ii+N})
        title(sprintf('%d \\rightarrow %d', labels(ii+N), yhat(ii)))
Number of wrong predictions = 64 / 2500

Helper functions

function [imgs, labels, img] = load_mnist_digits()
    % Load MNIST handwritten digits, one big image
    fname = fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'digits.png');
    if exist(fname, 'file') ~= 2
        disp('Downloading image...')
        url = '';
        urlwrite(url, fname);
    img = cv.imread(fname, 'Grayscale',true);

    % split it into 5000 small images (500 from each 0:9 digits),
    % each image is 20x20 pixels
    [h,w] = size(img);
    imgs = mat2cell(img, ones(1,50)*h/50, ones(1,100)*w/100);
    imgs = reshape(imgs', 500, [])';  % cell array of size 10x500
    labels = repmat((0:9)', 1, 500);  % each row is one digit

function img = deskew(img)
    % deskew image using its second order moments
    sz = 20;
    m = cv.moments(img);
    if abs(m.mu02) > 0.2  % 0.01
        skew = m.mu11 / m.mu02;
        M = [1 skew -0.5*sz*skew; 0 1 0];
        img = cv.warpAffine(img, M, 'DSize',[sz sz], 'WarpInverse',true);

function histo = my_hog(img, nbins)
    % this is a simplified implementation of HoG descriptors
    % (fixed 10x10 cells, 1 block, no overlapping, no block normalization)

    % number of orientation histogram bins
    if nargin < 2, nbins = 16; end

    % compute image gradient (its magnitude and direction)
    gx = cv.Sobel(img, 'DDepth','single', 'XOrder',1, 'YOrder',0);
    gy = cv.Sobel(img, 'DDepth','single', 'XOrder',0, 'YOrder',1);
    mag = hypot(gx, gy);
    ang = atan2(gy, gx) + pi;  % directions in [0,2*pi] (signed gradient)

    % quantize directions into 16 bins
    bins = fix((nbins-1) * ang/(2*pi)) + 1; % bin indices in [1,16] inclusive

    % divide 20x20 image into 4 10x10 cells, and in each,
    % accumulate gradient magnitudes inside each direction bin
    % (binned orientations each weighted by its magnitude contribution)
    bb = mat2cell(bins, [10 10], [10 10]);
    mm = mat2cell(mag, [10 10], [10 10]);
    histo = cell(size(bb));
    for i=1:numel(bb)
        H = accumarray(bb{i}(:), mm{i}(:), [nbins 1]);
        if false && any(H)
            % transform histogram to space with Hellinger metric
            H = sqrt(H ./ sum(H));
            H = H ./ norm(H);
        histo{i} = H;

    % stack features from cells into one tall vector of length 4*16
    histo = cat(1, histo{:});