Image Affine Transformation

In this demo, we show how to:




An affine transformation is any transformation that can be expressed in the form of a matrix multiplication (linear transformation) followed by a vector addition (translation).

From the above, we can use an affine transformation to express:

you can see that, in essence, an affine transformation represents a relation between two images.

The usual way to represent an affine transformation is by using a 2x3 matrix.

A = \left[{\matrix{
        a_{00} & a_{01} \cr
        a_{10} & a_{11}
    }}\right]_{2 \times 2}
B = \left[{\matrix{
        b_{00} \cr
    }}\right]_{2 \times 1}

M = \left[{\matrix{
    A & B
    a_{00} & a_{01} & b_{00} \cr
    a_{10} & a_{11} & b_{10}
}}\right]_{2 \times 3}

Considering that we want to transform a 2D vector $X = \left[{\matrix{x \cr y}}\right]$ by using $A$ and $B$, we can do the same with:

$$T = A \cdot \left[{\matrix{x \cr y}}\right] + B$$


$$T = M \cdot  [x, y, 1]^{T}$$

$$T = \left[{\matrix{
          a_{00}x + a_{01}y + b_{00} \cr
          a_{10}x + a_{11}y + b_{10}

How do we get an Affine Transformation?

We mentioned that an affine transformation is basically a relation between two images. The information about this relation can come, roughly, in two ways:

Let's explain the second point in a better way. Since $M$ relates two images, we can analyze the simplest case in which it relates three points in both images. Look at the figure below:

the points 1, 2 and 3 (forming a triangle in image 1) are mapped into image 2, still forming a triangle, but now they have changed notoriously. If we find the affine transformation with these 3 points (you can choose them as you like), then we can apply this found relation to all the pixels in an image.


This program:

load input image

src = cv.imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'tsukuba.png'), 'Color',true);

Affine Transform: we need two sets of 3 points to derive the relation

[rows,cols,~] = size(src);
src_tri = [0.0 0.0; cols - 1.0, 0; 0, rows - 1.0];
dst_tri = [cols*0.0, rows*0.33; cols*0.85, rows*0.25; cols*0.15, rows*0.7];
warp_mat = cv.getAffineTransform(src_tri, dst_tri);
display(warp_mat)  % 2x3 affine transform matrix
warp_mat =
    0.8522    0.2007         0
   -0.0602    0.3713   95.0400

Draw these points to get a better idea on how they change. Their locations are approximately the same as the ones depicted in the Theory section. You may note that the size and orientation of the triangle defined by the 3 points change.

t = {num2str((1:3)'), 'Color','y', ...
    'VerticalAlignment','middle', 'HorizontalAlignment','center'};
p = {'c', 'FaceAlpha',0.25, 'EdgeColor','b', 'LineWidth',2, ...
    'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',15, 'MarkerFaceColor','r'};
pos = get(0, 'DefaultFigurePosition');
figure('Position',pos.*[1 1 1 0.5])
annotation('arrow',[0.47 0.56], [0.5 0.5], 'LineWidth',3, 'HeadStyle','plain')
patch(src_tri(:,1), src_tri(:,2), p{:})
text(src_tri(:,1), src_tri(:,2), t{:})
title('src'), axis ij image, axis([1 cols 1 rows]-1), grid on, box on
patch(dst_tri(:,1), dst_tri(:,2), p{:})
text(dst_tri(:,1), dst_tri(:,2), t{:})
title('dst'), axis ij image, axis([1 cols 1 rows]-1), grid on, box on

apply the affine transform to the source image

warp_dst = cv.warpAffine(src, warp_mat);

Rotate: we need the center with respect to which the image will rotate, the angle to be rotated, and an optional scale factor

center = [size(warp_dst,2) size(warp_dst,1)] / 2;
ang = -50.0;  % In OpenCV a positive angle is counter-clockwise
scale = 0.6;
rot_mat = cv.getRotationMatrix2D(center, ang, scale);
display(rot_mat)  % 2x3 rotation matrix
rot_mat =
    0.3857   -0.4596  184.1371
    0.4596    0.3857    0.2148

apply the rotation to the output of our previous transformation

warp_rotate_dst = cv.warpAffine(warp_dst, rot_mat);

show results

subplot(211), imshow(src), title('Source')
subplot(223), imshow(warp_dst), title('Affine Transform')
subplot(224), imshow(warp_rotate_dst), title('Rotation')