Background Subtraction

This demos shows how to use background subtraction methods provided by OpenCV. You will learn how to:

As input, we will use the webcam feed, but you can also specify a video file. There exist several publicly available datasets for background subtraction that come with ground truth data. Refer to:




Background subtraction (BS) is a common and widely used technique for generating a foreground mask (namely, a binary image containing the pixels belonging to moving objects in the scene) by using static cameras.

As the name suggests, BS calculates the foreground mask performing a subtraction between the current frame and a background model, containing the static part of the scene or, more in general, everything that can be considered as background given the characteristics of the observed scene.

Background modeling consists of two main steps:

In the first step, an initial model of the background is computed, while in the second step that model is updated in order to adapt to possible changes in the scene.


Background subtraction is a major preprocessing step in many vision based applications. For example, consider the case of a visitor counter where a static camera takes the number of visitors entering or leaving the room, or a traffic camera extracting information about the vehicles etc. In all these cases, first you need to extract the person or vehicles alone. Technically, you need to extract the moving foreground from static background.

If you have an image of background alone, like an image of the room without visitors, image of the road without vehicles etc, it is an easy job. Just subtract the new image from the background. You get the foreground objects alone. But in most of the cases, you may not have such an image, so we need to extract the background from whatever images we have. It become more complicated when there are shadows of the vehicles. Since shadow also move, simple subtraction will mark that also as foreground. It complicates things.

Several algorithms were introduced for this purpose. OpenCV has implemented four such algorithms which are very easy to use. We will see them one-by-one.


It is a Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm. It was introduced in the paper:

It uses a method to model each background pixel by a mixture of K Gaussian distributions (K = 3 to 5). The weights of the mixture represent the time proportions that those colours stay in the scene. The probable background colours are the ones which stay longer and more static.

While coding, we need to create a background object using the function, cv.BackgroundSubtractorMOG. It has some optional parameters like length of history, number of Gaussian mixtures, threshold etc. It is all set to some default values. Then inside the video loop, use backgroundsubtractor.apply method to get the foreground mask.


It is also a Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm. It is based on two papers by Z. Zivkovic:

One important feature of this algorithm is that it selects the appropriate number of Gaussian distribution for each pixel. (Remember, in last case, we took a K Gaussian distributions throughout the algorithm). It provides better adaptibility to varying scenes due illumination changes etc.

As in previous case, we have to create a background subtractor object. Here, you have an option of detecting shadows or not. If DetectShadows is true (which is so by default), it detects and marks shadows, but decreases the speed. Shadows will be marked in gray color.


This algorithm combines statistical background image estimation and per-pixel Bayesian segmentation. It was introduced by:

As per the paper, the system ran a successful interactive audio art installation called:

It uses first few (120 by default) frames for background modelling. It employs probabilistic foreground segmentation algorithm that identifies possible foreground objects using Bayesian inference. The estimates are adaptive; newer observations are more heavily weighted than old observations to accommodate variable illumination. Several morphological filtering operations like closing and opening are done to remove unwanted noise. You will get a black window during first few frames.

It would be better to apply morphological opening to the result to remove the noises.


See the docs.


Create BG subtractor object

nHistory = 50;
if true
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorMOG('History',nHistory, ...
        'NMixtures',5, 'BackgroundRatio',0.2, 'NoiseSigma',7);
elseif true
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2('History',nHistory);
elseif true
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorKNN('History',nHistory);
elseif true
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorGMG(...
        'InitializationFrames',20, 'DecisionThreshold',0.7);
elseif true
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorCNT();
elseif true
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP();
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC();

Set up camera

cap = createVideoCapture([], 'lena');
pause(2); % Necessary in some environment. See help cv.VideoCapture
assert(cap.isOpened(), 'Camera failed to initialized');

Read a frame

im =;
assert(~isempty(im), 'Failed to read frame');
im = cv.resize(im, 0.5, 0.5);

disp('The subtractor will learn the background for a few seconds.');
disp('Keep out of the frame.');
The subtractor will learn the background for a few seconds.
Keep out of the frame.

Learn initial background model for a while. At this stage, every frame is used both for calculating the foreground mask and for updating the background model. You can specify the learning rate used for updating the background, or use -1 to instruct the algorithm to automatically chose a learning rate.

hImg = imshow(im);
for t = 1:nHistory
    % Get an image
    im =;
    if isempty(im), break; end
    im = cv.resize(im, 0.5, 0.5);

    % Learn background
    bs.apply(im, 'LearningRate',-1);

    % Show current frame and progress
    set(hImg, 'CData',im);
    title(sprintf('%d / %d', t, nHistory));
cap = createVideoCapture([], 'chess');

Start main loop

hImg = imshow(im);
while ishghandle(hImg)
    % Get an image
    im =;
    if isempty(im), break; end
    im = cv.resize(im, 0.5, 0.5);

    % Perform background subtraction and get foreground mask
    fg = bs.apply(im, 'LearningRate',0);

    % Process mask
    if true
        fg = cv.dilate(cv.erode(fg));
        fg = cv.GaussianBlur(fg, 'KSize',[11 11], 'SigmaX',3.5, 'SigmaY',3.5);
        fg = cv.threshold(fg, 10);

    % Show masked image
    %im = cv.bitwise_and(im, repmat(fg,[1 1 3]));
    im = cv.copyTo(im, 'Mask',fg);

    set(hImg, 'CData',im);

Close webcam feed
