ChArUco Board Image Demo

This example shows how to create a ChArUco board image.




% params
squaresX = 5;                           % Number of squares in X direction
squaresY = 7;                           % Number of squares in Y direction
squareLength = 60;                      % Square side length (in pixels)
markerLength = 30;                      % Marker side length (in pixels)
dictionaryId = '6x6_250';               % dictionary id
margins = squareLength - markerLength;  % Margins size (in pixels)
borderBits = 1;                         % Number of bits in marker borders

imageSize = [squaresY, squaresX] .* squareLength + 2 * margins;

% create board
dictionary = {'Predefined', dictionaryId};
board = {squaresX, squaresY, squareLength, markerLength, dictionary};


% show created board
boardImage = cv.drawCharucoBoard(board, fliplr(imageSize), ...
    'MarginSize',margins, 'BorderBits',borderBits);
imshow(boardImage), title('CharucoBoard')

% save image
imwrite(boardImage, fullfile(tempdir(),'CharucoBoard.png'));