Evaluation of background subtraction algorithms on synthetic sequence


several presets with different settings are available, tradeoff between quality metrics and speed.

if true
    % GSOC
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC();
elseif true
    % GSOC-camera-motion-compensation
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC('MotionCompensation','LK');
elseif true
    % LSBP-vanilla
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP('NSamples',20, 'LSBPRadius',4, ...
        'TLower',2.0, 'TUpper',200.0, 'TInc',1.0, 'TDec',0.05, ...
        'RScale',5.0, 'RIncDec',0.05, 'LSBPThreshold',8);
elseif true
    % LSBP-speed
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP('NSamples',10, 'LSBPRadius',16, ...
        'TLower',2.0, 'TUpper',32.0, 'TInc',1.0, 'TDec',0.05, ...
        'RScale',10.0, 'RIncDec',0.005, 'LSBPThreshold',8);
elseif true
    % LSBP-quality
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP('NSamples',20, 'LSBPRadius',16, ...
        'TLower',2.0, 'TUpper',32.0, 'TInc',1.0, 'TDec',0.05, ...
        'RScale',10.0, 'RIncDec',0.005, 'LSBPThreshold',8);
elseif true
    % LSBP-camera-motion-compensation
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP('MotionCompensation','LK');
elseif true
    % MOG2
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2();
elseif true
    % KNN
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorKNN();
elseif true
    % MOG
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorMOG();
elseif true
    % GMG
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorGMG();
    % CNT
    bs = cv.BackgroundSubtractorCNT();

initialize frame sequence generator

bg = imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'fruits.jpg'));
fg = imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'img001.jpg'));
fg = cv.resize(fg, [100 100]);
gen = cv.SyntheticSequenceGenerator(bg, fg);

prepare UI

[frame, gtMask] = gen.getNextFrame();
subplot(221), hImg(1) = imshow(frame); title('frame')
subplot(222), hImg(2) = imshow(gtMask); title('ground-truth mask')
subplot(223), hImg(3) = imshow(frame); title('BG model')
subplot(224), hImg(4) = imshow(gtMask); title('FG mask')

main loop

f1 = 0;
count = 0;
for n=1:400
    % grab new frame and ground-truth mask
    [frame, gtMask] = gen.getNextFrame();

    % background subtraction
    mask = bs.apply(frame);
        im = bs.getBackgroundImage();
        % some algorithms dont implement a BG model (MOG, GMG)
        im = [];

    % show results
    set(hImg(1), 'CData',frame)
    set(hImg(2), 'CData',gtMask)
    set(hImg(3), 'CData',im)
    set(hImg(4), 'CData',mask)

    % give the algorithm some time for proper background model inference.
    % Almost all background subtraction algorithms have a problem with cold
    % start and require some time for background model initialization.
    % So we will not count first part of the frames in the score.
    if n > 300
        tp = nnz(cv.bitwise_and(mask == 255, gtMask == 255));
        fp = nnz(cv.bitwise_and(mask == 255, gtMask ==   0));
        fn = nnz(cv.bitwise_and(mask ==   0, gtMask == 255));
        if (tp + fn + fp) > 0
            f1 = f1 + 2*tp / (2*tp + fn + fp);
            count = count + 1;
            xlabel(sprintf('avg F1 score = %.2f', f1 / count))