Object Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks

An example of how to use the SqueezeDet model to predict object bounding boxes.

The SqueezeDet model was trained for Object Detection.

For details pertaining to the usage of the model, have a look at this repository. You can infact train your own object detection models with the loss function which is implemented (in Caffe).

By default this model thresholds the detections at confidence of 0.7. While filtering there are number of bounding boxes which are predicted, you can manually control what gets thresholded by passing the value of optional arguement Threshold.

The model is incredibly fast taking just 0.172091 seconds on average to predict multiple bounding boxes.



load the network along with its trained weights

[net, blobOpts] = SqueezeDet();
assert(~net.empty(), 'Could not load model');

load test image

im = fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'rgb.jpg');
img = cv.imread(im, 'Color',true, 'FlipChannels',false);

convert the image into blob

blob = cv.Net.blobFromImages(img, blobOpts{:});

forward through the network and collect output blobs

out = net.forwardAndRetrieve('slice');
delta_bboxs = out{3};   % 1x23x23x36
out = net.forward({'softmax', 'sigmoid'});
class_scores = out{1};  % 1x4761x20x1
conf_scores = out{2};   % 1x23x23x9
Elapsed time is 0.978069 seconds.

reshape blobs

if true
    delta_bboxs = reshape(delta_bboxs, [23 23 36]);
    class_scores = reshape(class_scores, [4761 20]);
    conf_scores = reshape(conf_scores, [23 23 9]);
    % NHWC -> HWCN
    delta_bboxs = permute(delta_bboxs, [2 3 4 1]);
    class_scores = permute(class_scores, [2 3 4 1]);
    conf_scores = permute(conf_scores, [2 3 4 1]);

the three blobs are post-processed to get the bounding boxes predicted

dets = cv.InferBbox(delta_bboxs, class_scores, conf_scores, 'Threshold',0.7);

show detections

xy_ratio = [size(img,2), size(img,1)] ./ [416 416];  % blobOpts.Size
out = flip(img, 3);
for i=1:numel(dets)
    % adjust coordinates to original image size
    dets(i).bbox = round(double(dets(i).bbox) .* [xy_ratio xy_ratio]);

    fprintf('#%d\n', i);
    fprintf('       Class: %s\n', dets(i).label_name);
    fprintf(' Probability: %f\n', dets(i).class_prob);
    fprintf(' Coordinates: [%d %d %d %d]\n', dets(i).bbox);

    % draw the corresponding bounding box
    out = cv.rectangle(out, dets(i).bbox(1:2), dets(i).bbox(3:4), ...
        'Color',[0 0 255], 'Thickness',2);
    out = cv.putText(out, dets(i).label_name, dets(i).bbox(1:2), ...
        'FontScale',0.7, 'Color',[0 0 255]);
imshow(out), title('Final Detections')
       Class: person
 Probability: 0.916116
 Coordinates: [142 153 280 294]
       Class: person
 Probability: 0.843427
 Coordinates: [53 0 216 190]

Pretrained models

function dname = get_dnn_dir(dname)
    %GET_DNN_DIR  Path to model files, and show where to get them if missing

    dname = fullfile(mexopencv.root(), 'test', 'dnn', dname);
    b = isdir(dname);
    if ~b
        % display help of calling function
        % (assumed to be a local function in current file)
        st = dbstack(1);
        help([mfilename() filemarker() st(1).name])
    assert(b, 'Missing model: %s', dname);

function [net, blobOpts] = SqueezeDet()
    %SQUEEZEDET  SqueezeDet model trained on PASCAL VOC Dataset [Caffe]
    % homepage = https://github.com/kvmanohar22/caffe
    % homepage = https://kvmanohar22.github.io/GSoC/
    % homepage = https://github.com/opencv/opencv_3rdparty/tree/dnn_objdetect_20170827
    % homepage = https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/tree/3.4.1/modules/dnn_objdetect/samples/data
    % ## Model
    % file = test/dnn/SqueezeDet/SqueezeDet_deploy.prototxt
    % url  = https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/raw/3.4.1/modules/dnn_objdetect/samples/data/SqueezeDet_deploy.prototxt
    % hash = 797d33d3acc0935618da0f594b6019d09b1b36b9
    % ## Weights
    % file = test/dnn/SqueezeDet/SqueezeDet.caffemodel
    % url  = https://github.com/opencv/opencv_3rdparty/raw/dnn_objdetect_20170827/SqueezeDet.caffemodel
    % hash = 378ab040bc717f2b7fc57f9254892bdd2d597476
    % size = 14.1 MB

    dname = get_dnn_dir('SqueezeDet');
    net = cv.Net('Caffe', ...
        fullfile(dname, 'SqueezeDet_deploy.prototxt'), ...
        fullfile(dname, 'SqueezeDet.caffemodel'));
    blobOpts = {'SwapRB',false, 'Crop',false, 'Size',[416 416], 'Mean',[104 117 123]};