Training face landmark detector
This demo helps to train your own face landmark detector. You can train your own face landmark detection by just providing the paths for directory containing the images and files containing their corresponding face landmarks. As this landmark detector was originally trained on HELEN dataset, the training follows the format of data provided in HELEN dataset.
The dataset consists of .txt files whose first line contains the image name which then follows the annotations. The format of a file containing annotations should be the following:
/data/helen/100032540_1.jpg 565.86 , 758.98 564.27 , 781.14 ...
The above format is similar to HELEN dataset which is used for training the model.
For a description of training parameters used in configFile, see the demo facemark_kazemi_train_config_demo.m.
You can also download a pre-trained model face_landmark_model.dat, see the demo facemark_kazemi_detect_img_demo. (that way you can skip training and simply load the model).
% [INPUT] path to the directory containing all text and image files dname = fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','facemark','helen'); assert(isdir(dname), 'missing data directory'); % [INPUT] path to configuration xml file containing parameters for training % configFile = fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','facemark','config.xml'); assert(exist(configFile, 'file') == 2, 'missing train config file'); % [OUTPUT] path for saving the trained model modelFile = fullfile(tempdir(), 'model_kazemi.dat'); % [INPUT] path to the cascade xml file for the face detector xmlFace = fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','lbpcascade_frontalface.xml'); download_classifier_xml(xmlFace); % name of user-defined face detector function faceDetectFcn = 'myFaceDetector'; assert(exist([faceDetectFcn '.m'], 'file') == 2, 'missing face detect function'); % width/height which you want all images to get to scale the annotations. % larger images are slower to process scale = [460 460];
% get names of files in which annotations and image names are found filenames = cv.glob(fullfile(dname, '*.txt')); % load image names and their corresponding landmarks disp('Loading data...') [imgFiles, pts] = cv.Facemark.loadTrainingData3(filenames); % load images imgs = cell(size(imgFiles)); for i=1:numel(imgFiles) if true % HELEN dataset annotations only store image basename fname = fullfile(dname, [imgFiles{i} '.jpg']); else fname = imgFiles{i}; end imgs{i} = cv.imread(fname); end
Loading data...
create instance of the face landmark detection class, and set the face detector function
obj = cv.FacemarkKazemi('ConfigFile',configFile);
perform training
disp('Training...') tic success =, pts, configFile, scale, 'ModelFilename',modelFile); toc if success disp('Training successful') else disp('Training failed') end
Training... Elapsed time is 73.661301 seconds. Training successful
In the above call, scale is passed to scale all images and their corresponding landmarks, as it takes greater time to process large images. After scaling data it calculates mean shape of the data which is used as initial shape while training. It trains the model and stores the trained model file with the specified filename. As the training starts, you will see something like this:
The error rate on trained images depends on the number of images used for training:
The error rate on test images depends on the number of images used for training:
Helper functions
function download_classifier_xml(fname) if exist(fname, 'file') ~= 2 % attempt to download trained Haar/LBP/HOG classifier from Github url = ''; [~, f, ext] = fileparts(fname); if strncmpi(f, 'haarcascade_', length('haarcascade_')) url = [url, 'haarcascades/']; elseif strncmpi(f, 'lbpcascade_', length('lbpcascade_')) url = [url, 'lbpcascades/']; elseif strncmpi(f, 'hogcascade_', length('hogcascade_')) url = [url, 'hogcascades/']; else error('File not found'); end urlwrite([url f ext], fname); end end % The facemark API provides the functionality to the user to use their own % face detector. The code below implements a sample face detector. This % function must be saved in its own M-function to be used by the facemark API. function faces = myFaceDetector(img) persistent obj if isempty(obj) obj = cv.CascadeClassifier(); obj.load(xmlFace); end if size(img,3) > 1 gray = cv.cvtColor(img, 'RGB2GRAY'); else gray = img; end gray = cv.equalizeHist(gray); faces = obj.detect(gray, 'ScaleFactor',1.4, 'MinNeighbors',2, ... 'ScaleImage',true, 'MinSize',[30 30]); end