Line descriptors matching demo

This example shows the functionalities of line descriptors matching furnished by cv.BinaryDescriptorMatcher class.

This module shows how to extract line segments from an image by 2 different methods: First segmenting lines with Line Segment Detector cv.LSDDetector, and then (or just) using the Binary Descriptor to get the lines and give them a descriptor cv.BinaryDescriptor. Finally, we can then match line segments using the cv.BinaryDescriptorMatcher class.



Matching among descriptors

If we have extracted descriptors from two different images, it is possible to search for matches among them. One way of doing it is matching exactly a descriptor to each input query descriptor, choosing the one at closest distance.

Sometimes, we could be interested in searching for the closest k descriptors, given an input one. See cv.BinaryDescriptorMatcher.knnMatch

In some cases, we could have a search radius and look for all descriptors distant at the most r from input query. See cv.BinaryDescriptorMatcher.radiusMatch


% load images
if false
    img1 = cv.imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','books_left.jpg'), 'Color',true);
    img2 = cv.imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','books_right.jpg'), 'Color',true);
    im = which('cameraman.tif');
    if isempty(im), im = fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','blox.jpg'); end
    img1 = cv.imread(im, 'Color',true);
    M = cv.getRotationMatrix2D(round([size(img1,2) size(img1,1)]./2), -20, 0.9);
    img2 = cv.warpAffine(img1, M);

% create binary masks
mask1 = ones(size(img1,1), size(img1,2), 'uint8');
mask2 = ones(size(img2,1), size(img2,2), 'uint8');

subplot(121), imshow(img1)
subplot(122), imshow(img2)
whos img1 img2 mask1 mask2
  Name         Size                Bytes  Class    Attributes

  img1       256x256x3            196608  uint8              
  img2       256x256x3            196608  uint8              
  mask1      256x256               65536  uint8              
  mask2      256x256               65536  uint8              

BinaryDescriptor: Detect and Compute

% create a BinaryDescriptor object with default parameters
bd = cv.BinaryDescriptor();

% compute lines and descriptors
[keylines1, descr1] = bd.detectAndCompute(img1, 'Mask',mask1);
[keylines2, descr2] = bd.detectAndCompute(img2, 'Mask',mask2);
whos keylines1 keylines2 descr1 descr2

% select keylines from first octave and their descriptors
idx = ([keylines1.octave] == 0);
keylines1 = keylines1(idx);
descr1 = descr1(idx,:);

idx = ([keylines2.octave] == 0);
keylines2 = keylines2(idx);
descr2 = descr2(idx,:);
  Name            Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

  descr1         53x32             1696  uint8               
  descr2         46x32             1472  uint8               
  keylines1       1x53            79208  struct              
  keylines2       1x46            68848  struct              

BinaryDescriptor: Match

% create a BinaryDescriptorMatcher object
bdm = cv.BinaryDescriptorMatcher();

% require match
matches = bdm.match(descr1, descr2)

% select best matches
good_matches = ([matches.distance] < MATCHES_DIST_THRESHOLD);
fprintf('number of good matches = %d\n', nnz(good_matches));

% plot matches
outImg = cv.drawLineMatches(img1, keylines1, img2, keylines2, matches, ...
figure, imshow(outImg)
title('Matches in octave 0')
matches = 
  1×53 struct array with fields:
number of good matches = 12

LSDDetector: Detect and Compute

% create an LSD detector
lsd = cv.LSDDetector();

% detect lines
keylines1 = lsd.detect(img1, 'Scale',2, 'NumOctaves',2, 'Mask',mask1);
keylines2 = lsd.detect(img2, 'Scale',2, 'NumOctaves',2, 'Mask',mask2);
whos keylines1 keylines2

% compute descriptors for lines
descr1 = bd.compute(img1, keylines1);
descr2 = bd.compute(img2, keylines2);
whos descr1 descr2

% select lines and descriptors from second octave
idx = ([keylines1.octave] == 1);
keylines1 = keylines1(idx);
descr1 = descr1(idx,:);

idx = ([keylines2.octave] == 1);
keylines2 = keylines2(idx);
descr2 = descr2(idx,:);
  Name           Size              Bytes  Class     Attributes

  keylines1      1x230            341168  struct              
  keylines2      1x208            308608  struct              

  Name          Size            Bytes  Class    Attributes

  descr1      230x32             7360  uint8              
  descr2      208x32             6656  uint8              

LSDDetector: Match

% compute matches
matches = bdm.match(descr1, descr2)

% select best matches
good_matches = ([matches.distance] < MATCHES_DIST_THRESHOLD);
fprintf('number of good matches = %d\n', nnz(good_matches));

% plot matches
img1 = cv.resize(img1, 0.5, 0.5);
img2 = cv.resize(img2, 0.5, 0.5);
outImg = cv.drawLineMatches(img1, keylines1, img2, keylines2, matches, ...
figure, imshow(outImg)
title('LSD Matches in octave 1')
matches = 
  1×64 struct array with fields:
number of good matches = 16