Optical flow evaluation demo
Computes flow field between two images using various methods and display it (deepflow, simpleflow, sparsetodenseflow, Farneback, TV-L1).
Input images
a pair of 8-bit color images
im1 = imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','RubberWhale1.png')); im2 = imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','RubberWhale2.png')); assert(isequal(size(im1), size(im2)), ... 'Dimension mismatch between input images'); if ~mexopencv.isOctave() && mexopencv.require('images') %HACK: IMSHOWPAIR not implemented in Octave imshowpair(im1, im2); end
Compare the different methods
algorithms = {'farneback', 'simpleflow', 'tvl1', 'deepflow', ... 'sparsetodenseflow', 'pcaflow', ... 'DISflow_ultrafast', 'DISflow_fast', 'DISflow_medium', 'variational'}; for i=1:numel(algorithms) % prepare images if any(strcmp(algorithms{i}, {'farneback', 'tvl1', 'deepflow', ... 'DISflow_ultrafast', 'DISflow_fast', 'DISflow_medium', ... 'variational'})) && size(im1,3)==3 % 1-channel images are expected img1 = cv.cvtColor(im1, 'RGB2GRAY'); img2 = cv.cvtColor(im2, 'RGB2GRAY'); elseif strcmp(algorithms{i}, 'simpleflow') && size(im1,3)==1 % 3-channel images expected img1 = cv.cvtColor(im1, 'GRAY2RGB'); img2 = cv.cvtColor(im2, 'GRAY2RGB'); else % sparsetodenseflow/pcaflow handle both 1- or 3-channels img1 = im1; img2 = im2; end % compute flow field between img1 and img2 using current method tic switch lower(algorithms{i}) case 'farneback' %{ obj = cv.FarnebackOpticalFlow(); flow = obj.calc(img1, img2); %} flow = cv.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(img1, img2); case 'simpleflow' flow = cv.calcOpticalFlowSF(img1, img2); case 'deepflow' flow = cv.calcOpticalFlowDF(img1, img2); case 'sparsetodenseflow' flow = cv.calcOpticalFlowSparseToDense(img1, img2); case 'tvl1' obj = cv.DualTVL1OpticalFlow(); flow = obj.calc(img1, img2); case 'pcaflow' %obj = cv.OpticalFlowPCAFlow(prior); % path to a prior file for PCAFlow obj = cv.OpticalFlowPCAFlow(); flow = obj.calc(img1, img2); case 'disflow_ultrafast' obj = cv.DISOpticalFlow('Preset','UltraFast'); flow = obj.calc(img1, img2); case 'disflow_fast' obj = cv.DISOpticalFlow('Preset','Fast'); flow = obj.calc(img1, img2); case 'disflow_medium' obj = cv.DISOpticalFlow('Preset','Medium'); flow = obj.calc(img1, img2); case 'variational' obj = cv.VariationalRefinement(); flow = obj.calc(img1, img2); end fprintf('%18s: ', algorithms{i}); toc % display the flow if true [mag, ang] = cv.cartToPolar(flow(:,:,1), flow(:,:,2), 'Degrees',true); else [ang, mag] = cart2pol(flow(:,:,1), flow(:,:,2)); if mexopencv.isOctave() %HACK: RAD2DEG not implemented in Octave ang = (ang + pi) * (180 / pi); else ang = rad2deg(ang + pi); end end mag = cv.normalize(mag, 'Alpha',0, 'Beta',1, 'NormType','MinMax'); hsv = cat(3, ang, ones(size(ang),class(ang)), mag); % H=[0,360], S,V=[0,1] rgb = cv.cvtColor(hsv, 'HSV2RGB'); % R,G,B=[0,1] figure, imshow(rgb) title(sprintf('Computed flow: %s',algorithms{i}), 'Interpreter','none') end
farneback: Elapsed time is 0.201330 seconds. simpleflow: Elapsed time is 1.529157 seconds. tvl1: Elapsed time is 1.269737 seconds. deepflow: Elapsed time is 0.849141 seconds. sparsetodenseflow: Elapsed time is 0.341761 seconds. pcaflow: Elapsed time is 0.625318 seconds. DISflow_ultrafast: Elapsed time is 0.124396 seconds. DISflow_fast: Elapsed time is 0.020869 seconds. DISflow_medium: Elapsed time is 0.046709 seconds. variational: Elapsed time is 0.149174 seconds.