Retina demonstration
Demonstrates the use of wrapper class of the Gipsa/Listic Labs retina model.
This retina model allows spatio-temporal image processing (applied on a webcam sequences).
As a summary, these are the retina model properties:
- It applies a spectral whithening (mid-frequency details enhancement)
- high frequency spatio-temporal noise reduction
- low frequency luminance to be reduced (luminance range compression)
- local logarithmic luminance compression allows details to be enhanced in low light conditions
NOTE : this program generates the default retina parameters file RetinaDefaultParameters.xml. You can use this to fine tune parameters and load them if you save to file RetinaSpecificParameters.xml
setup webcam reader and grab a first frame to get its size
cap = createVideoCapture([], 'chess'); pause(1) assert(cap.isOpened(), 'Camera failed to initialize'); img =; assert(~isempty(img), 'Failed to capture frames'); sz = size(img);
allocate a retina instance with input size equal to the one of the loaded image
if true % "classical" retina retina = cv.Retina([sz(2) sz(1)]); else % log sampling (favour foveal vision and subsamples peripheral vision) retina = cv.Retina([sz(2) sz(1)], 'UseRetinaLogSampling',true, ... 'ReductionFactor',2, 'SamplingStrength',10); end
retina parameters
save current (here default) retina parameters to a xml file (you may use it only one time to get the file and modify it)
load retina parameters from a xml file : here we load the default parameters that we just wrote to file
reset all retina buffers (open your eyes)
prepare figure
figure subplot(223); hImg(3) = imshow(img); title('retina magno out') subplot(222); hImg(2) = imshow(img); title('retina parvo out') subplot(221); hImg(1) = imshow(img); title('input frame') colormap gray
main processing loop
while all(ishghandle(hImg)) % grab a new frame and display it img =; if isempty(img), break; end % run retina on the input image; % grab retina outputs parvo = retina.getParvo(); magno = retina.getMagno(); % draw retina outputs set(hImg(1), 'CData',img) set(hImg(2), 'CData',parvo) set(hImg(3), 'CData',magno) drawnow end cap.release();