cv.computeCorrespondEpilines - MATLAB File Help

For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image

lines = cv.computeCorrespondEpilines(points, F)
[...] = cv.computeCorrespondEpilines(..., 'OptionName', optionValue, ...)




For every point in one of the two images of a stereo pair, the function finds the equation of the corresponding epipolar line in the other image.

From the fundamental matrix definition (see cv.findFundamentalMat), line lines2{i} in the second image for the point points1{i} in the first image (when WhichImage=1) is computed as:

lines2{i} = F * points1{i}

And vice versa, when WhichImage=2, lines1{i} is computed from points2{i} as:

lines1{i} = F^T * points2{i}

Line coefficients are defined up to a scale. They are normalized so that a_i^2 + b_i^2 = 1.

See also