cv.moments - MATLAB File Help

Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape

mo = cv.moments(array)
mo = cv.moments(array, 'OptionName', optionValue, ...)




The function computes moments, up to the 3rd order, of a vector shape or a rasterized shape. The results are returned in the moments struct mo.

The spatial moments m_ji are computed as:

m_ji = sum_{x,y} (array(x,y) * x^j * y^i)

The central moments mu_ji are computed as:

mu_ji = sum_{x,y} (array(x,y) * (x - xbar)^j * (y - ybar)^i)

where (xbar, ybar) is the mass center:

xbar = m10/m00, ybar = m01/m00

The normalized central moments nu_ji are computed as:

nu_ji = mu_ji / m00^((i+j)/2+1)

NOTE: mu00 = m00, nu00 = 1, nu10 = mu10 = mu01 = mu10 = 0, hence the values are not stored.

The moments of a contour are defined in the same way but computed using the Green's formula. So, due to a limited raster resolution, the moments computed for a contour are slightly different from the moments computed for the same rasterized contour.

NOTE: Since the contour moments are computed using Green formula, you may get seemingly odd results for contours with self-intersections, e.g. a zero area (m00) for butterfly-shaped contours.

See also