cv.pyrDown - MATLAB File Help |
Blurs an image and downsamples it
dst = cv.pyrDown(src)
dst = cv.pyrDown(src, 'OptionName',optionValue, ...)
, uint16
, int16
, single
, or double
. default [0,0], see below.By default, size of the output image is computed as
[(size(src,2)+1)/2 (size(src,1)+1)/2]
, but in any case, the following
conditions should be satisfied:
abs(DstSize(2)*2 - size(src,2)) <= 2
abs(DstSize(1)*2 - size(src,1)) <= 2
The function performs the downsampling step of the Gaussian pyramid construction. First, it convolves the source image with the kernel:
1/256 * [1 4 6 4 1;
4 16 24 16 4;
6 24 34 24 6;
4 16 24 16 4;
1 4 6 4 1]
Then, it downsamples the image by rejecting even rows and columns.