cv.stereoRectifyUncalibrated - MATLAB File Help

Computes a rectification transform for an uncalibrated stereo camera

[H1,H2,success] = cv.stereoRectifyUncalibrated(points1, points2, F, imageSize)
[...] = cv.stereoRectifyUncalibrated(..., 'OptionName', optionValue, ...)




The function computes the rectification transformations without knowing intrinsic parameters of the cameras and their relative position in the space, which explains the suffix "uncalibrated". Another related difference from cv.stereoRectify is that the function outputs not the rectification transformations in the object (3D) space, but the planar perspective transformations encoded by the homography matrices H1 and H2. The function implements the algorithm [Hartley99].


While the algorithm does not need to know the intrinsic parameters of the cameras, it heavily depends on the epipolar geometry. Therefore, if the camera lenses have a significant distortion, it would be better to correct it before computing the fundamental matrix and calling this function. For example, distortion coefficients can be estimated for each head of stereo camera separately by using cv.calibrateCamera. Then, the images can be corrected using cv.undistort, or just the point coordinates can be corrected with cv.undistortPoints.



Richard I Hartley. "Theory and practice of projective rectification". International Journal of Computer Vision, 35(2):115-127, 1999.

See also