23 nargchk(nrhs>=2 && (nrhs%2)==0 && nlhs<=1);
30 for (
int i=2; i<nrhs; i+=2) {
31 string key(rhs[i].toString());
33 mask = rhs[i+1].toMat(
36 "Unrecognized option %s", key.
void accumulateSquare(InputArray src, InputOutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray())
struct mxArray_tag mxArray
Forward declaration for mxArray.
LIBMWMEX_API_EXTERN_C void mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(const char *identifier, const char *err_msg,...)
Issue formatted error message with corresponding error identifier and return to MATLAB prompt...
mxArray object wrapper for data conversion and manipulation.
void nargchk(bool cond)
Alias for input/output arguments number check.
Global constant definitions.
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
Main entry called from Matlab.