Return CUDA device info
dinfo = cv.Utils.deviceInfo(device)
- device System index of a CUDA device starting with 0.
- dinfo scalar struct of information about CUDA device:
- deviceID system index of the CUDA device starting with 0
- name ASCII string identifying device
- totalGlobalMem global memory available on device in bytes
- sharedMemPerBlock shared memory available per block in
- regsPerBlock 32-bit registers available per block
- warpSize warp size in threads
- memPitch maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies
- maxThreadsPerBlock maximum number of threads per block
- maxThreadsDim maximum size of each dimension of a block
- maxGridSize maximum size of each dimension of a grid
- clockRate clock frequency in kilohertz
- totalConstMem constant memory available on device in
- majorVersion major compute capability
- minorVersion minor compute capability
- textureAlignment alignment requirement for textures
- texturePitchAlignment pitch alignment requirement for
texture references bound to pitched memory
- multiProcessorCount number of multiprocessors on device
- kernelExecTimeoutEnabled specified whether there is a
run time limit on kernels
- integrated device is integrated as opposed to discrete
- canMapHostMemory device can map host memory with
- computeMode compute mode, one of:
- Default default compute mode (Multiple threads can use
with this device)
- Exclusive compute-exclusive-thread mode (Only one
thread in one process will be able to use
with this device)
- Prohibited compute-prohibited mode (No threads can use
with this device)
- ExclusiveProcess compute-exclusive-process mode (Many
threads in one process will be able to use
with this device)
- maxTexture1D maximum 1D texture size
- maxTexture1DMipmap maximum 1D mipmapped texture size
- maxTexture1DLinear maximum size for 1D textures bound to
linear memory
- maxTexture2D maximum 2D texture dimensions
- maxTexture2DMipmap maximum 2D mipmapped texture
- maxTexture2DLinear maximum dimensions (width, height,
pitch) for 2D textures bound to pitched memory
- maxTexture2DGather maximum 2D texture dimensions if
texture gather operations have to be performed
- maxTexture3D maximum 3D texture dimensions
- maxTextureCubemap maximum Cubemap texture dimensions
- maxTexture1DLayered maximum 1D layered texture dimensions
- maxTexture2DLayered maximum 2D layered texture dimensions
- maxTextureCubemapLayered maximum Cubemap layered texture
- maxSurface1D maximum 1D surface size
- maxSurface2D maximum 2D surface dimensions
- maxSurface3D maximum 3D surface dimensions
- maxSurface1DLayered maximum 1D layered surface dimensions
- maxSurface2DLayered maximum 2D layered surface dimensions
- maxSurfaceCubemap maximum Cubemap surface dimensions
- maxSurfaceCubemapLayered maximum Cubemap layered surface
- surfaceAlignment alignment requirements for surfaces
- concurrentKernels device can possibly execute multiple
kernels concurrently
- ECCEnabled device has ECC support enabled
- pciBusID PCI bus ID of the device
- pciDeviceID PCI device ID of the device
- pciDomainID PCI domain ID of the device
- tccDriver true if device is a Tesla device using TCC
driver, false otherwise
- asyncEngineCount number of asynchronous engines
- unifiedAddressing device shares a unified address space
with the host
- memoryClockRate peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz
- memoryBusWidth global memory bus width in bits
- l2CacheSize size of L2 cache in bytes
- maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor maximum resident threads per
- freeMemory gets free memory
- totalMemory gets total device memory
- supports Struct which provides information on CUDA
feature support. Is true if the device has the specified
CUDA feature. Otherwise, it is false:
- Compute10 Compute Capability 1.0
- Compute11 Compute Capability 1.1
- Compute12 Compute Capability 1.2
- Compute13 Compute Capability 1.3
- Compute20 Compute Capability 2.0
- Compute21 Compute Capability 2.1
- Compute30 Compute Capability 3.0
- Compute32 Compute Capability 3.2
- Compute35 Compute Capability 3.5
- Compute50 Compute Capability 5.0
- GlobalAtomics same as 'Compute11'
- SharedAtomics same as 'Compute12'
- NativeDouble same as 'Compute13'
- WarpShuffleFunctions same as 'Compute30'
- DynamicParallelism same as 'Compute35'
- isCompatible Checks the CUDA module and device
compatibility. Is true if the CUDA module can be run on the
specified device. Otherwise, it is false.