Get information about OpenCL devices
platforms = cv.Utils.getPlatfomsInfo()
- platforms struct-array of information about OpenCL
- name Platform name string.
- vendor Platform vendor string.
- version OpenCL version string supported by the
- device struct-array of information about OpenCL device:
- name Device name string.
- extensions Space separated list of extension names.
- version OpenCL version string supported by the device.
- vendorName Vendor name string.
- vendorID Vendor ID string.
- OpenCL_C_Version The highest OpenCL C version
supported by the compiler for this device.
- OpenCLVersion OpenCL version string supported by the
- deviceVersionMajor OpenCL major version supported by
the device.
- deviceVersionMinor OpenCL minor version supported by
the device.
- driverVersion OpenCL software driver version string.
- type The OpenCL device type (CPU, GPU, etc.).
- addressBits The default compute device address space
size, 32 or 64 bits.
- available true if the device is available and false if
the device is not available.
- compilerAvailable Is false if the implementation does
not have a compiler available to compile the program
source. Is true if the compiler is available.
- linkerAvailable Is false if the implementation does
not have a linker available. Is true if the linker is
- doubleFPConfig Describes double precision
floating-point capability of the device.
- singleFPConfig Describes single precision
floating-point capability of the device:
- Denorm denorms are supported.
- InfNaN INF and NaNs are supported.
- RoundToNearest round to nearest even rounding mode
- RoundToZero round to zero rounding mode supported.
- RoundToInf round to positive and negative infinity
rounding modes supported.
- FMA IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add is supported.
- SoftFloat Basic floating-point operations (such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication) are implemented
in software.
- halfFPConfig Describes the optional half precision
floating-point capability of the device.
- endianLittle Is true if the OpenCL device is a little
endian device and false otherwise.
- errorCorrectionSupport Is true if the device
implements error correction for all accesses to compute
device memory (global and constant). Is false if the
device does not implement such error correction.
- executionCapabilities Describes the execution
capabilities of the device:
- Kernel The OpenCL device can execute OpenCL kernels.
- NativeKernel The OpenCL device can execute native
- globalMemCacheSize Size of global memory cache in
- globalMemCacheType Type of global memory cache
supported, one of: 'NoCache', 'ReadOnlyCache',
- globalMemCacheLineSize Size of global memory cache
line in bytes.
- globalMemSize Size of global device memory in bytes.
- localMemSize Size of local memory arena in bytes.
- localMemType Type of local memory supported (local or
- hostUnifiedMemory Is true if the device and the host
have a unified memory subsystem and is false otherwise.
- imageSupport Is CL_TRUE if images are supported by the
OpenCL device and CL_FALSE otherwise.
- imageFromBufferSupport Is true if
"cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer" extension is supported.
- imagePitchAlignment The row pitch alignment size in
pixels for 2D images created from a buffer.
- imageBaseAddressAlignment
- image2DMaxWidth Max width of 2D image or 1D image not
created from a buffer object in pixels
- image2DMaxHeight Max height of 2D image in pixels.
- image3DMaxWidth Max width of 3D image in pixels.
- image3DMaxHeight Max height of 3D image in pixels.
- image3DMaxDepth Max depth of 3D image in pixels.
- imageMaxBufferSize Max number of pixels for a 1D image
created from a buffer object.
- imageMaxArraySize Max number of images in a 1D or 2D
image array.
- maxClockFrequency Maximum configured clock frequency
of the device in MHz.
- maxComputeUnits The number of parallel compute units
on the OpenCL device. A work-group executes on a single
compute unit.
- maxConstantArgs Max number of arguments declared with
qualifier in a kernel.
- maxConstantBufferSize Max size in bytes of a constant
buffer allocation.
- maxMemAllocSize Max size of memory object allocation
in bytes.
- maxParameterSize Max size in bytes of all arguments
that can be passed to a kernel.
- maxReadImageArgs Max number of image objects arguments
of a kernel declared with the
- maxWriteImageArgs Max number of image objects
arguments of a kernel declared with the
- maxSamplers Maximum number of samplers that can be
used in a kernel.
- maxWorkGroupSize Maximum number of work-items in a
work-group executing a kernel on a single compute unit,
using the data parallel execution model.
- maxWorkItemDims Maximum dimensions that specify the
global and local work-item IDs used by the data parallel
execution model.
- maxWorkItemSizes Maximum number of work-items that can
be specified in each dimension of the work-group.
- memBaseAddrAlign The minimum value is the size
(in bits) of the largest OpenCL built-in data type
supported by the device.
- nativeVectorWidthChar, nativeVectorWidthShort,
nativeVectorWidthInt, nativeVectorWidthLong,
nativeVectorWidthFloat, nativeVectorWidthDouble,
nativeVectorWidthHalf The native ISA vector width. The
vector width is defined as the number of scalar elements
that can be stored in the vector.
- preferredVectorWidthChar, preferredVectorWidthShort,
preferredVectorWidthInt, preferredVectorWidthLong,
preferredVectorWidthFloat, preferredVectorWidthDouble,
preferredVectorWidthHalf Preferred native vector width
size for built-in scalar types that can be put into
vectors. The vector width is defined as the number of
scalar elements that can be stored in the vector.
- printfBufferSize Maximum size in bytes of the internal
buffer that holds the output of
calls from a
- profilingTimerResolution Resolution of timer, i.e. the
number of nanoseconds elapsed before the timer is
See OpenCL
If OpenCV is compiled without OpenCL support, the function
returns an empty struct.