cv.findTransformECC - MATLAB File Help

Finds the geometric transform (warp) between two images in terms of the ECC criterion

warpMatrix = cv.findTransformECC(templateImage, inputImage)
[warpMatrix,rho] = cv.findTransformECC(templateImage, inputImage)
[...] = cv.findTransformECC(..., 'OptionName',optionValue, ...)




The function estimates the optimum transformation (warpMatrix) with respect to ECC criterion ([EP08]), that is:

warpMatrix = argmax_{W} ECC(templateImage(x,y), inputImage(x',y'))


[x';y'] = W * [x;y;1]

(the equation holds with homogeneous coordinates for homography). It returns the final enhanced correlation coefficient, that is the correlation coefficient between the template image and the final warped input image. When a 3x3 matrix is given with MotionType being one of 'Translation', 'Euclidean', or 'Affine', the third row is ignored.

Unlike cv.findHomography and cv.estimateRigidTransform, the function cv.findTransformECC implements an area-based alignment that builds on intensity similarities. In essence, the function updates the initial transformation that roughly aligns the images. If this information is missing, the identity warp (unity matrix) is used as an initialization. Note that if images undergo strong displacements/rotations, an initial transformation that roughly aligns the images is necessary (e.g., a simple euclidean/similarity transform that allows for the images showing the same image content approximately). Use inverse warping in the second image to take an image close to the first one, i.e. use the flag WarpInverse with cv.warpAffine or cv.warpPerspective. Note that the function throws an exception if algorithm does not converges.



Georgios D Evangelidis and Emmanouil Z Psarakis. "Parametric image alignment using enhanced correlation coefficient maximization". Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, 30(10):1858-1865, 2008.

See also