cv.remap - MATLAB File Help

Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image

dst = cv.remap(src, map1, map2)
dst = cv.remap(src, map1)
dst = cv.remap(..., 'OptionName',optionValue, ...)


In other words, the following map combinations are valid:



The function cv.remap transforms the source image using the specified map:

dst(x,y) = src(mapX(x,y), mapY(x,y))

where values of pixels with non-integer coordinates are computed using one of available interpolation methods. mapX and mapY can be encoded as separate floating-point maps in map1 and map2 respectively, or interleaved floating-point maps of (x,y) in map1, or fixed-point maps created by using cv.convertMaps. The reason you might want to convert from floating to fixed-point representations of a map is that they can yield much faster (2x) remapping operations. In the converted case, map1 contains pairs (floor(x), floor(y)) and map2 contains indices in a table of interpolation coefficients.

Note: Due to current implementation limitations, the size of an input and output images should be less than 32767x32767.

See also